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连锁英语 第7期

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北京苹果英语网()提供内容,北京英华博雅翻译有限公司()提供编译。北京苹果英语网,商务英语与美国口语的摇篮!本期英文编辑Lena.设计designThe seminar is designed for those who are just getting started with theirresearch, as well as those who are close to making a decision to buy a franchise.此次研讨会专为那些刚刚涉足特许经营,以及准备购买特许经营的人设计。考虑think aboutHe is thinking about expanding his current business through franchising.他正在考虑通过特许经营方式扩大现有业务。成为becomeFranchising has become the dominant method for the creationof wealth through small business ownership. Franchising, once knownprimarily for restaurants, it is widely used by over 85 industries today.特许经营已经成为通过小企业所有制创造财富的主要方式。特许经营曾主要用于餐馆经营,现在已广泛用于85个以上的行业。确认confirmI would like to confirm our meeting tomorrow at 10 am in theconference room.我想确认一下我们的会议于明天上午10点在会议室召开。花费时间spendThe team would spend a couple of days on team-building, followedby discussions on the launch.团队将花费几天时间进行团队建设, 然后在过程中进行讨论。参加attendI am pleased to say that I will attend a trade fair in Beijing next month.我很高兴地宣布,我会参加下个月在北京举行的展销会。留言leave messageWhen we leave messages, it is important to ensure it very clear.当我们留言时, 重要的是要确保内容清楚。转变transformChina has been transformed from a seller’s to a buyer’s market.中国已经从卖方市场转变为买方市场。认同与赞赏recognize and appreciatePeople need their efforts recognized and appreciated when theydo good work.当人们工作出色,他们需要自己的努力得到认同与赞赏。欣赏,感激appreciateI appreciate your efforts and cooperation very much. And I hopewe’ll have more business cooperation opportunities in the future.我对您所做的努力和合作表示感谢。我希望以后我们会有更多的业务合作机会。了解和学习understand and learnIf you want to acquire franchise rights for a country, a region of acountry, you need to understand master franchising and learn how toselect and negotiate with a master franchise.如果你希望获取一个国家或地区的特许经营权,你需要了解相关的特许经营总知识,学习如何选择特许经营总并与其商讨相关事宜。考虑,鉴于considerConsidering the high quality, our price is very reasonable.鉴于质量这么高,我们的价格是非常合理的。达到,取得come toI’m glad that our negotiations have come to a successful conclusion.非常高兴我们的谈判取得了成功。取消cancelMr. Black has to cancel the meeting with Mr. Smith tomorrowbecause he has got something urgent to deal with.布莱尔先生有紧急的事情要处理,因此不得不取消明天与史密斯先生的会见。达到reachOur sales reached the target and the customers’ reaction was good.我们的销售达到了目标,客户的反映也不错。安排arrangeI’d like to arrange for a demonstration.我想安排一下演示。执行carry outHow do you carry out going concern principle in accounting?在财务中,你怎样执行持续经营原则?依靠,取决dependBonus depends on the company performance and personal achievement.奖金取决于公司经营状况和个人业绩。交易tradeShares in the company are traded on the Stock Market.该公司的股票在证券交易所交易。融资financeThe listed company should finance on the security market.上市公司应到证券市场融资。从事conductA corporation shall conduct operations within the range approvedand registered.公司应当在核准登记的经营范围内从事经营。实行carry outThe company carries out a management system with a general managerresponsible for operations under the leadership of the board of directors.公司在管理上实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。