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娱乐圈的童星层出不穷,但少有能将少年得志的光环维持到成人的,更少见曾经堕落谷底却凤凰重生的。从当年的童星到后来的《花花公子》女郎,如今则成了好莱坞片酬最高的女星之一,还拥有自己的制片公司Flower Films,在德鲁巴利摩尔起落浮沉的人生和她充满乐观的话语中,你是否也有所启发呢?

Drew Barrymore has a roller coaster[过山车] ride of a life. She first starred on TV in a dog food ad at just 11 months old. While most kids were learning to read, she was starring in E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), and became one of the most recognized faces among child stars.

She is the bearer of theatrical royalty. Her grandfather, the legendary actor John Barrymore, was a handsome alcoholic[酒鬼] who died at 60 of cirrhosis[肝硬化]. Her father, John Drew Barrymore, had a sporadic[零星的] acting career in the ?0s and ?0s, whose third wife, Jaid, gave birth to Drew Blythe Barrymore.

As an inveterate[成癖的] partygoer in the ?0s, Jaid took Drew everywhere ?and shielded[防护] her from nothing. By the time Drew was 12, she was drinking and using cocaine[可卡因]. At 13, she was in rehabilitation[戒毒所]. And at 15, the girl who had stolen America’s heart published her autobiography[自传], Little Girl Lost, and worked in a Hollywood coffee shop.

“But I’m really glad for that time in my life ?having to ride the bus, struggling to pay my rent, getting heckled[诘问] by people.”One of those people was her boss, whose parting words, however, changed her whole life. He told Drew, “Just go find your dreams.”

With a lot of suffering, Drew finally regained her fame in Charlie’s Angels (2000). And this breakthrough brought her a major comeback in both her life and her career. She fought her way back to become one of the most influential actresses and producers in Hollywood these days. She is always the special girl, who had it all, lost it all, and now has got it all back again.

Interview with Drew

Q: You have gone through[经受] a lot of things, but what was your lowest moment?

DB: My lowest moment in high school was when one of the cheerleaders said I could practise with the team. I was dying to be a cheerleader. But on the day of practice, the most popular girl in school saw fat little me arrive in the gym. She stopped to scream, “What’s she doing here?”I was mortified[伤害感情], and ran out in tears. It’s still the most humiliating[丢人的] moment of my entire life.

Q: What has your amazing life story brought you?

DB: I just think that everything is a learning experience, and every moment that you feel good is a blessing and a gift. I just wish more of us would stop for a minute. Enjoy a moment. Enjoy looking at a beautiful picture or listening to a great song. Buy yourself some flowers. Celebrate what’s beautiful in your own life.

What a waste of time to be angry with my parents. What a waste of time to feel sorry for myself. The thing I can do is to learn from all the things, have my own family someday, and just keep on going. So many things are thrown at us as human beings, but you can’t let any of them get you down[使沮丧], or you’ve just going to be defeated.

Q: Are you always so positive?

DB: I just think that optimism[乐观] is the best, and life is too short to be miserable. Every day is a chance for happiness, love, giving, sharing, a ton of laughter, knowing that difficult things only make you stronger, and you have to go through them.

Q: Finally, what’s your tip for our readers?

DB: Live life to the fullest. It’s the only way to be. You can’t just sit around in your living room, in front of the TV, hoping that good things happen in your life. You do have to go out there and make them happen.














