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t a studio in North London, an unusual photo shoot was unfolding. Rankin, one of the world’s leading photographers, was to produce a striking[令人吃惊的] image for Marie Claire’s 20th anniversary[周年] edition. His subject was not some superstar or supermodel, but a 24-year-old credit controller on her first modeling assignment[工作,任务]. Born without a left hand and lower arm, Kelly Knox won the title of UK’s top disabled model this year.

“I didn’t look down at my arm once, or even remember I was missing an arm. I’ve spent a lifetime ignoring it; it’s second nature to me.”

The remarkable story of the girl who refuses to say the word “disability” began in 1984, when Jackie Knox gave birth to her third child. The couple held their baby, digesting the implications[暗示] of a child who would grow up with no hand. Within half an hour, Jackie had made a vow[誓言] which would shape the girl’s future, “We will simply get on with life.”

From that moment on, the word “disability” was banned. So much so that the young girl was unaware for many years that she was any different.

“At the age of five, I was determined to ride a bike, and I forced myself to learn, resting my left arm on the handlebars[把手]. When I went to swimming lessons at school, it didn’t occur to[想到] me that I might find it harder than the other children I just leapt into the water.”

A bright student, Knox left school with eight GCSEs注 at the age of 16, and later passed a

vocational diploma[职业文凭] in law. She worked for a short time in a lawyer’s office, before changing her mind to be a credit controller in a furniture company. Yet again, Knox craved[渴望] more.

“When I toasted in 2008 with my family and friends, I just shut my eyes and wished for something to happen.”Her wish was to be granted. In March, Knox found an advertisement on Facebook looking for disabled women who felt they could be models, to take part in an upcoming[即将来临的] series, Britain’s Missing Top Model.

“I honestly didn’t believe I was going to win, and I felt as if I was in a film when they said my name. It has been so exciting, like breathing different air, and realizing there is a whole different world out there. I’m proof that if you don’t let the words ‘I can’t’ come into your head, you really can achieve anything.”










注:全称为General Certificate of Secondary Education,是英国学生完成第一阶段中等教育所参加的主要会考。学生在14岁左右进入GCSE课程学习,根据自身能力选择10至15门科目,两年的课程结束后参加统一考试。GCSE的成绩将被视为A Level甚至大学录取的参考。