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1. It is important people learn team spirit.(2013年雅安卷)

A. of;of B. of;to C. for;to D. to;to

2. It me about 10 days painting the walls. (2013年黄石卷)

A. took;to finish B. cost;finishing

C. took; finishing D. spent; to finish


动词want, decide, pretend, would like等后面只能接动词不定式作宾语。

3. He promised his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.(2013年天津卷)

A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see

4. The children decide their school yard this Friday afternoon.(2013年河北卷)

A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned

5. The little boy pretended when his mother came in.(2013年白银卷)

A. sleeping B. asleep C. be asleep D. to be asleep



6. He hurried back home his schoolbag. (2013年内江卷)

A. fetched B. to fetch C.fetching D. fetches

7. ― Why do we eat vegetables every day, Mum?

― healthy, my dear. (2013年大庆卷)

A. To keep B. Keep C. Keeping D. Kept

8. How kind you are! You always do what you can others .(2013年十堰卷)

A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help


动词ask, tell, want, would like, invite, expect, encourage, persuade等后面常接动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成ask/tell sb. to do sth.句式。动词不定式的否定式直接在不定式符号to之前加not构成。

9. My parents asked me computer games.(2013年衡阳卷)

A. not playing B. not to play C. not play

10. Jessica’s parents always encourage her out her opinions.(2013年鞍山卷)

A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. will speak

11. ― What are you going to do when you grow up?

―A singer, but my parents wish me a teacher. (2013年扬州卷)

A. am B. to be C. will be D. be

12. Her mother always persuades her her diet properly.(2013年佛山卷)

A. to reduce B. not to reduce C. reduce

特别注意:表示感官和使役的动词see, hear, watch, feel, make, let等要接省去to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,但在被动语态中不可省略。

13. ― Do you like Zhou Libo’s talk show?

― Yes. His talk show is very funny. It always makes people . (2013年淄博卷)

A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh

14. The naughty boy was made in today’s English class.(2013年天水卷)

A. stand B. standing C. stood D. to stand

15 ― George was heard just now. What happened?

― Peppa was telling a joke. (2013年白银卷)

A. to cry B. cry C. to laugh D. laugh

五、考查某些动词或短语后面只能接动词-ing 形式

finish, enjoy, mind, practice, keep, prefer, consider等动词后常接动词-ing形式作宾语。can’t help, What/How about, be busy, do well in, be good at, be worth, be/get used to, stop sb. from, spend, have fun等后面只能接动词-ing形式。

16. ― Can you finish these books before 10 o’clock?

― Yes, I can. (2013年雅安卷)

A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading

17. ― What do you usually do in the morning?

― I often practice English.(2013年绥化卷)

A. speak B. to speak C. speaking

18. Would you mind the door? It’s quite windy outside.(2013年吉林卷)

A. close B. closing C. to close

19. Many old men prefer in a peaceful countryside.(2013年白银卷)

A. to live B. living C. live D. lived

20. ― What about a rest?

― OK! Let’s go for a walk. (2013年邵阳卷)

A. to take B. take C. taking

21. We spent much time English last Sunday. (2013年牡丹江卷)

A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking


动词forget, remember, stop等,后面既可接动词不定式,又可接动词-ing形式,两者所表示的意思不同。forget/remember to do sth. 意思是“忘记/记得去做某事(事情还没去做);forget/remember doing sth.意思是“忘记/记得已做过某事(事情已经做过)。stop to do sth. 表示“停下来(正在做的事)去做另一件事”,stop doing sth. 表示“停止正在做的事”。

22. Remember off the lights when you leave the room, please. (2013年绥化卷)

A. to turn B. turning C. turn

23. ―Dad, why must I stop computer games?

―For your health, my boy. (2013年孝感卷)

A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing

24. ― Don’t forget the classroom tomorrow afternoon.

― Thanks. I won’t. (2013年达州卷)

A. to keep clean B. cleaning C. sweeping D. to clean up

七、考查“疑问词 + 动词不定式”

考查“疑问词 + 动词不定式”的用法时,一般考查其作宾语的用法。要根据句子的意思选择恰当的疑问词。

25. ― I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you?

― I haven’t decided where . (2013年济宁卷)

A. go B. went C. going D. to go

26 I haven’t decided when a holiday yet.(2013年白银卷)

A. took B. taking C. to take D. take

27. Students should learn how problems. (2013年雅安卷)

A. solve B. solving C. can solve D. to solve


had better后面常接不带to的不定式,其否定式是在better后面直接加not。另外,Why not...,prefer to...rather than, would rather...than, used to等后面都要跟动词原形。

28. ― Why not to the park now?

― Good idea! Let’s go. (2013年湛江卷)

A. go B. to go C. goes D. going

29. It’s rather hot in the room. You’d better the windows or the door.(2013年咸宁卷)

A. close B. not to close C. don’t close D. not close

30. ― Let’s play football on the playground.

― It’s hot outside. I would rather at home than out.(2013年随州卷)

A. to stay; go B. staying;going C. stay; to go D. stay;go


动词see, hear, watch等,后面既可接不带to的动词不定式,也可接动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,两种结构的含义不同。see/hear sb. do sth.意思是“看到/听到某人干了某事”,强调动作已经发生或经常发生;而see/hear sb. doing sth.意思为“看到/听到某人正在干某事”,强调动作正在进行。

31. When I walked past the park, I saw some old people Chinese Taiji.(2013年莱芜卷)

A. do B. did C. doing D. are doing

32. When I was walking past his room yesterday evening, I heard him piano.(2013年黑龙江卷)

A. playing B. to play the C. playing the


1-5 CADBD 6-10 BADBC 11-15 BAADA

16-20 DCBBC 21-25 CADDD 26-30 CDADD

31-32 CC