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1. We are going to the country for a sightseeing trip tomorrow. 我们明天要去乡下参观游览。

2. We are going on an excursion to the country tomorrow. 我们明天要去郊游。

3. Would you go on an outing with us?你愿意同我们一起去郊游吗?

4. What?蒺s your programme for tomorrow?你们明天有些什么游览项目?

5. We?蒺ll be joining a guided tour of the art gallery,followed by a boat trip down the river. 我们先在导游带领下参观美术馆,然后乘小船在河上游览。

6. We?蒺ll take our lunch boxes with us and have a picnic lunch in the woods. 我们将带午餐盒到树林中去野餐。

7. We?蒺re carrying a well-stocked picnic basket with us. 我们将带一满筐丰富的野餐食品去。

8. Be sure to bring your swimming suit with you. 别忘了带游泳衣去。

9. I don?蒺t like to swim very much. I?蒺d like fishing. 我不太喜欢游泳,但喜欢钓鱼。

10. I?蒺m very keen to go mountain-climbing and see the waterfall. 我非常喜欢登山和观看瀑布。

11. I have ever gone camping and had to buy a tent,a sleeping bag,a lantern and other supplies. 我曾去野营过,为此不得不买了帐篷、睡袋、照明灯及其他用品。

12. Be sure to take you camping equipment along tomorrow. 别忘了明天把你的野营用品带去。

13. We all enjoy sleeping on the ground under the stars. It?蒺s so romantic!我们都席地而卧,抬头望星星,多么罗曼蒂克!

14. What about going to the zoo after the picnic?野餐后去动物园看看怎样?

15. I?蒺ll buy some nuts and feed those greedy monkeys. 我要买些坚果去喂那些馋嘴的猴子。

16. Now people are anxious to visit various parts of the world. 现在人们渴望到世界各地去参观访问。

17. Travel is considered a means to broaden one?蒺s mind. 人们把旅行看做是能使人心胸开阔的一种办法。

18. This city has begun attracting quite a few foreign tourists in recent years. 这个城市近年来已开始吸引了不少外国游客。

19. What scenic spots are there in this city?这个城市有哪些风景优美的地方?

20. There are many wonderful spots worth seeing in and around the city. 城内外都有许多值得一游的好地方。

21. They?蒺ve got some magnificent countryside and beautiful historical sites here. 这里还有一些景色秀丽的乡村和优美的历史古迹。

22. It has some large,beautiful parks and excellent shopping facilities,too. 还有几个大而美的公园和精美的商业区。

23. And there?蒺s an ancient tower as an added attraction. 此外还有一个古老的宝塔是很吸引人的。

24. Tourists can go up the tower and get a bird?蒺s-eye view of the whole city. 游客们可以登上宝塔俯瞰全城的景色。

25. Many tourists enjoy going on a guided tour when they first arrive in a city. 多数游客乐意在初次来到一个城市时参加有向导的旅游。

26. If you can stay only a few days here,you?蒺d better work out a good programme. 要是你只能在这里待几天,最好订个游览计划。

27. You?蒺d better see all the sights that most tourists visit. 最好把多数游客们去的地方都游览一下。