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Tom Cruise 汤姆·克鲁斯

Tom Cruise doesn't just have the Mission Impossible series and Risky Business on his resumé. The actor was also a paperboy for the Louisville Courier Journal. At age 14, Cruise joined a seminary1) in Cincinnati2) for a whole year and even took a vow of celibacy3).


Johnny Depp 约翰尼·德普

The actor behind strange ventures4) such as Edward Scissorhands, Pirates of the Caribbean and Ed Wood was once a pen salesman. Depp would call up potential customers and try to lure5) them in with free getaways6) to Greece and a grandfather clock just so they would buy some customized7) ballpoint pens.


George Clooney 乔治·克鲁尼

Considering his interest in writing, producing, directing and acting, it seems appropriate that George Clooney would try out all sorts of jobs during his path to stardom8). The actor behind Oscar-winning films like Syriana, The Descendants and Good Night, and Good Luck was once a door-to-door insurance salesman, a tobacco cutter and a seller of women's shoes.

"I was a horrible insurance salesman. I'll tell you why. The selling part I could do but then they wanted you to always tack on9) a little something extra. We'd take it from a whole life insurance to term life insurance and put some money away in an annuity10) for them or in an IRA11), but maybe you could use a little other insurance as well ... And I couldn't because you felt like you were pulling their leg12) then ... But I was good at cutting tobacco. I was fast."



Sean Connery 肖恩·康纳利

The former James Bond used to have a much more morbid13) job. Sean Connery held many odd positions from lifeguard to milkman but the strangest of all was as a coffin cleaner.


Brad Pitt 布拉德·皮特

Whoever thought Brad Pitt would have to cover his face for a job? The Fight Club and Moneyball actor used to don14) a chicken suit for the El Pollo Loco chicken restaurant franchise.

有谁能想象布拉德·皮特为了工作而不得不遮住自己的脸?这位演过《搏击俱乐部》和《点球成金》的男演员曾经穿成小鸡的样子在El Pollo Loco炸鸡专营餐厅打工。

Orlando Bloom 奥兰多·布鲁姆

The Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings actor, at age 13, used to operate the machines that launch clay pigeon shooting targets. "It was wild," Bloom has said of the experience.


Hugh Jackman 休·杰克曼

Before Hugh Jackman was a Tony-award winning actor or known for playing Wolverine15) in X-Men, he worked as another kind of entertainer: a clown.

"I am really bad at magic. In fact, I used to be a clown at kid's parties. I was Coco the Clown16) and I had no magic tricks and I remember a six-year-old standing up at a party saying 'Mummy, this clown is terrible; he doesn't know any tricks' and he was right."



Amy Adams 艾米·亚当斯

Amy Adams may be known for playing the innocent characters in movies like Enchanted, Doubt and The Muppets, but her past job wasn't all that sweet. The actress earned money as a Hooters girl17). "I did it because I needed to buy a car." She left Hooters after saving $900, enough to buy a used Chevrolet.


Cindy Crawford 辛迪·克劳福德

She might be one of the "hottest women of all time" and may have been the sole reason millions of people switched from Coke to Pepsi, but Cindy Crawford didn't always have the most glamorous18) job. While looking for extra cash as a college freshman in Illinois, the supermodel made a living as a corn-shucker19) at a local fair.


1. seminary [?sem?n?ri] n. 神学院

2. Cincinnati [?s?ns??n?ti] n. 辛辛那提,美国俄亥俄州西南部城市

3. celibacy [?sel?b?si] n. (僧侣的)立誓不婚

4. venture [?vent??(r)] n. 冒险;冒险旅行

5. lure [l??(r)] vt. 吸引,引诱,诱惑

6. getaway [?ɡet?we?] n. 假日,外出度假

7. customize [k?st?ma?z] vt. 按顾客的具体要求制造(或建造、改造等)

8. stardom [?stɑ?d?m] n. 明星的地位(或身份);[总称]明星界

9. tack on: 额外添加

10. annuity [??nju??ti] n. (为维持老年生计等目的支付一定数额保险金使日后可得每年固定收入的)年金保险,年金保险投资

11. IRA: abbr. Individual Retirement Account,个人退休账户

12. pull sb.'s leg: 取笑(或愚弄)某人

13. morbid [?m??b?d] adj. 可怖的;令人厌恶的

14. don [d?n] vt. 身穿(某种颜色或某种料子的衣服)

15. Wolverine: 金刚狼。他是X战警中的一员,双臂长有可伸出体外的利爪,拥有急速自愈能力和野兽般的感知能力,是典型的反英雄角色。

16. Coco the Clown: 小丑可可,即“麦当劳叔叔”

17. Hooters girl: 猫头鹰餐厅(Hooters)是美国很出名的一家连锁快餐厅。和肯德基、麦当劳不同,这家餐厅出名和成功的原因不在于它卖的饮料和辣鸡翅,而在于店里的服务员——Hooters女孩(Hooters girl)。Hooters女孩的工作服是统一的白色紧身背心、橙色短裤。除了要做一般服务员该做的,Hooters女孩还要向顾客介绍自己,和顾客聊天,时不时还要唱歌、跳舞或表演转呼啦圈。

18. glamorous [?ɡl?m?r?s] adj. 有吸引力的,令人向往的

19. corn-shucker: 剥玉米的工人