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《You'll Never Walk Alone》(《你永远不会独行》)这首歌是影响力最大的是足球歌曲之一,从利物浦开始,她的影响已经散布到整个欧洲。在比赛时唱歌的先河正是利物浦球迷开创的,他们唱的就是这首《You'll Never Walk Alone》。由于当时的比赛已经有电视直播,于是这首歌联同这咱球迷文化很快便流行起来,《You'll Never Walk Alone》在许多地方都成了最有名的球迷歌曲。


有关曼联的歌曲有非常多,先别提球迷为表达感情而自己创作的歌曲,光是队歌红魔就有四首,这在足球俱乐部里边可谓首屈一指。《Lift It High》(《让我们高举奖杯》)是曼联的张一首队歌,流传的时间较长;《Glory Glory Man Unitcd》(《光荣发球曼联》)是红魔的第二首队歌,诞生于1983年曼联打进英格兰是总杯决赛时,这首歌气势雄浑,是中国球迷耳熟能说在的一首歌;第三首《Sing up for the champions reds 》(《为冠军曼联歌唱》)是一首非常适合在球场上播放的歌曲,在中国球迷路间留传其广。《Come on you reds Manchester United》(《红魔加油》)是最后一首。这次就介绍在国内传唱较广的一首吧!

《You'll Never Walk Alone》

When you walk through a storm

Hold your head up high

And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of a storm

there's a golden sky

And the sweel silver song of a lark

Walk om through the wind walk on through the rain

Though your dreams bi tossed and blown…

You'll Never Walk Alone…

You'll Never Walk Alone

You'll Never Walk Alone

You'll Never Walk Alone

《Sing up for the champions reds 》

There's Only One United

There's Only One United

There's Only One United

There's Only One United

Champione,Oh Wcy,Champione,Oh Wey,

Oh Wey,Oh Wey,Oh Wey,

Champione,Oh Wcy,Champione,Oh Wey,

Oh Wey,Oh Wey,Oh Wey,

We Retained The Premier League

Last Year On Merseyside

Last Year On Merseyside

Last Year On Merseyside

We Retained The Premier League

Last Year On Merseyside

Last Year On Merseyside

Ryan Giggs,Ryan Giggs

Running Down The Giggs

Ryan Giggs,Ryan Giggs

Running Down The Giggs

Feared By The Blues, Loved By The Reds

Ryan Giggs,Ryan Giggs,Ryan Giggs

Oh Teddy,Teddy

Teddy,Teddy,Teddy,Teddy Sheringham

Oh Gary,Gary

Gary,Gary,Gary,Gary Pallister

Andy Cole,Andy Cole

Andy,Andy Cole,

When He Gets The Ball

He Scores A Goal

Andy,Andy Cole,

What A Goal,What A Goal

From Andy,Andy Cole

Give Him The Ball

He'll Score A Goal

Andy,Andy Cole

You Are My Solskjaer

My Only Solskjaer

You Make Us Happy When Skies Are Grey

Coz When It'Pouring

You Just Keep Scoring

Please Don't Take Our Soldkjaer Away

Oh Roy Keane,He's A Demon

He Wears A Demon's Hat

Coz When He Saw Old Trafford

He Said "I Fancy That"The Rest All Tried To Sigl


But He Chose The Red And White

Of World Famous Man United

Coz We're Always Dynamite

Glory,Glory,Man United

Glory,Glory,Man United

Glory,Glory,Man United

And The Reds Go Marching On! On! On!

Sing Up For The Champions…