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【摘要】 目的 通过临床病例分析,观测艾滋病患者抗病毒治疗前cd4+细胞计数水平与治疗后死亡率关系。方法 分析了30例艾滋病患者抗病毒治疗3个月内死亡率及其与治疗前CD4+细胞水平的对应关系。结果 发现死亡患者于治疗前的CD4+细胞计数显著低于存活患者,而CD4+细胞计数


Clinical analysisofcorrelationsbetweenCD4+cells counts and mortality rate among 30 AIDSpatients

CHEN Hui-Li,YE Xiao-yan,LI Chun-na.Department of Infectious Diseases Service ,The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangdong,519000 China

【Abstract】 Objective To abserve CD4+cells counts,prognostic mortality rate by analyzing clinical cases.Methods Studying on 30 cases of AIDS patients’ mortality in highly active antiretroviral therapy within three months and elplore the relationship with the former CD4+cells counts.Results Dead aids patients’ levels of the CD4+cells counts before treatment were significantly lower than the survival’s,Especially the AIDS patients’ mortality rate as high as 45%when CD4+cells counts below50/mm3.Conclusion The AIDS patients’ mortality with severe lower level of CD4+cells count Increased significantly.so it’s very important to promote early treatment to reduce mortalityand Reduce the cost of treatment.

【Key words】AIDS;CD4+cells count;Mortality rate


1 对象和方法

1.1 研究对象 30例珠海市经国家规定具有艾滋病确证资格的实验室检测确诊HIV感染患者,平均(35.3±20.7)岁,其中男26例,女4例,CD4+细胞计数

1.2 抗病毒治疗方案 30例患者HAART治疗方案均为两种核苷类抗逆转录酶抑制剂联合一种非核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(2NRTIS+1NNRTI)。所有药物均为国家卫生部提供的AIDS免费治疗药物。

1.3 检测方法 CD4+细胞计数的检测于我院流式细胞室检测,应用美国BD公司成套T细胞亚群试剂盒,所得数据采用t检验和χ2检验。

2 结果



3 讨论


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