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Europe is a continent of diverse cultures, languages, traditions and beliefs. This is very true of England, which has for the last 2000 years been attracting and utilizing every race and creed under the sun to enrich its multicultural identity. Hence with many cultural backgrounds whether they be Saxon, Norman, Celtic, Jewish, Black or Asian you're going to get many rivalries. However nowadays with political correctness and the abuses of prejudice there has to be something where people can express their identity in a way that transcends race, religion and creed. England has found it in football.


Ball games of one form or another have existed in England for centuries. These games created steep rivalries between towns and villages. After the industrial revolution the football association was set up in 1863 confirming the rules of what we now know as football. The new working class were encouraged to fill their Saturday afternoons with a sport. Factories, local clubs and pubs set up football teams to instill loyalty in their companies. An example is Arsenal who where made from gun makers. First it was just local games done in a friendly manner but then somebody had to ask the question "who is the best in the land?" and the FA cup was set up in 1873.

Now, the country's tribal rivalries had an outlet. North vs. South, East vs. West, factory worker vs. office worker, rich vs. poor. The prize improved and the competition to win became fiercer. Thousands avidly watched their town or company try to defeat their rivals. Passion and spite grew in abundance. In 1901 at the FA Cup final, over 110,000 spectators watched Tottenham Hotspur beat Sheffield united. This was a huge blow to the North who ①reveled in bettering the South. Now the South had the upper hand. Rivalries between North, South ,clubs and towns was heightening. In a country as diverse in culture as England, which has a history of wars aplenty, these rivalries and local loyalties were embedded so deep that they still exist in the same way today.

Choosing a club is a careful decision. Mostly people choose the club nearest to where they live or are from. These are honourable supporters. Then there are blood supporters, those who support a team because their forefathers before them did. Then there are those who support a team for no real reason, they just seem to like them. These supporters are simply strange, for in football with the embedded philosophy of loyalty, you can't just like a team, you must love them! But the most frowned upon supporter of them all is the glory hunter. This is a supporter who loves a club because they are top of the league, have lots of money and good looking players. This is considered wrong in English football as it fails the loyalty test. To be loyal you must support your team through the best of times and the worst of times and once you have chosen you can never, ever change. It must be for life. To change is the biggest disgrace for any supporter at any time of life. The average age to choose a club is 8 years-old. After that you must love that club until you die; no excuses.

As you get older, the love and loyalty to a club and your attitude to rivals intensify. In the 1970s football became an escape from the frustrations of unemployment. Clubs became more like brotherhoods for the jobless and fans would do anything for them. Huge riots occurred and many died, but generally people just got ②beaten up. It's all the pride, passion, loyalty and rivalry that are in any person that makes a football fan violent. These days despite having less of an unemployment problem there is still a hooligan element in English football, although it is more underground and much smaller than the '70s and '80s. Hooligans are people who relieve the boredom of their dead-end jobs by spending their weekends fighting for something.

Another way for football fans to release their passion is through chanting. Chants come in a great variety. Some are nationalistic. For example England fans love shouting to the French "If it wasn't for the English you'd be Krauts!" Some are directed at player's lives e.g. Spurs fans used to sing "Posh Spice is a slapper, she wears a Wonderbra and when she's shagging Beckham, she thinks of Ginola". A lot are aimed at the demise of rivals. Spurs fans sing "If I had the wings of a sparrow, the dirty black ass of a crow. I'd fly over Highbury tomorrow and shit on the Arsenal below". Some are a declaration of pride. Millwall sing "We are Millwall, super Millwall. No one likes us, we don't care!" No one knows who writes these songs. Interestingly, they develop out of nowhere. The melodies are from popular songs but the lyrics seem to have no claim. All clubs sing their own songs and some traditionally have sacred songs they love to sing, like "You'll never walk alone" for Liverpool. However, these songs will be sung back differently. Liverpool fans will hear "you'll never get a job!" It is important to sing at a football match. If a team is losing, their fans will naturally be more quiet. The winning fans usually sing "You're not singing anymore". A team whose fans don't sing is considered to be a joke.

To show their love many fans tattoo the clubs symbol on their arms, name their children after players or even get married in their football kits. This shows that football is more than a fashion. It's not about who the team at the top is or who has the biggest amount of stars. It's about passion, loyalty, rivalry, commitment. It allows the release of our most basic emotions; love and hate. It feels great to be able to release the emotions normally harnessed by a civil society, for a 90 minute period, unaccountable and at the expense of no one.







utilize /(`tilaiz/ vt.利用

creed /kr1d/ n.宗教;信条

enrich /in`ritH/ vt.使富足;使肥沃

rivalry /`raiv9lri/ n.竞争;对抗

prejudice /`predEudis/ n.偏见;成见

transcend /tr2n`send/ vt.超越;胜过

steep /st1p/ adj.陡峭的;急剧的

instill /in`stil/ vt.慢慢地灌输

spite /spait/ n.怨恨;恶意

aplenty /9`plenti/ adv.丰富地

embedded /em`bedid/ adj.深入的;植入的

forefather /`f5,f3N9/ n.祖先;祖宗

frown /fraun/ vi.皱眉表示不悦

brotherhood /`br7N9hud/ n.协会;团体

hooligan /`h6liG9n/ n.小流氓

melody /`mel9di/ n.曲调;主调

lyric /`lirik/ n.歌词

claim /kleim/ n.(根据权利提出)要求

sacred /`seikrid/ adj.神圣的

tattoo /t9`t6/ v.纹身

kit /kit/ n.(运动队的)队服

harness /`h3nis/ vt.上马具;披上甲胄

unaccountable /`7n9kaunt9bl/ adj.无法解释的;无责任的

① revel in 酷爱;纵情于

② beat up 痛打


1. 文中提到,英格兰球迷会喜欢冲着法国人大喊“If it wasn't for the English you'd be Krauts!”而在这句话中,有一个词“Kraut”需要说明一下。这个词的意思是“德国人”,但贬损意味非常强。而英格兰球迷唱这句话是有所指的,那就是,在第一和第二次世界大战时期,如若不是英国奋力抗击德国,法国就会彻底亡国,成为德国的附属了,以此来贬损法国球迷。

2. 文中提到,热刺队的球迷常常唱起“Posh Spice is a slapper, she wears a Wonderbra and when she's shagging Beckham, she thinks of Ginola”。在这句话中,有几个单词需要说明一下。首先,“Posh Spice”是贝克汉姆的妻子维多利亚在“辣妹组合”中的绰号,在这里代指维多利亚;“Wonderbra”是一种文胸品牌;“Ginola”是一个著名的足球运动员。

3. 文中提道,利物浦俱乐部的传统歌曲会被其它俱乐部的球迷改为“You'll never get a job!”。而这是有所指的,因为在利物浦,失业率是很高的,所以别的俱乐部的球迷就用此来嘲讽利物浦球迷。