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Connie R. Wang is currently a junior student of the South Kingstown High School,

South Kingstown, Rhode Island, USA.



在小学,每年秋季的两个主要节日值得提及。第一个是10月31 日的万圣节。在万圣节的晚间,孩子们会穿上令人恐怖和有趣的化妆服饰,逐门逐户地按响门铃,叫嚷着“trick-or-trade”, 意思是“给我糖果还是要我作弄你”,来讨糖吃。其实万圣节晚间的讨糖活动,仅仅是该节日有意思活动的一部分。节前整个一个星期学校都安排了各种有趣的活动。例如,学生们玩叼苹果游戏,参加万圣节化妆服饰比赛等,其他活动还有做糖衣苹果、讲恐怖故事、雕刻南瓜灯等。在万圣节之夜,那些有趣的、充满艺术想象和鬼魅的南瓜灯被安放在房门前和通道旁,为讨糖的孩子们照亮和提供指引。






Article 4: Holiday Cultural Traditions in American Elementary Schools

In America today, elementary schools strive to instill cultural practices upon the children throughout the year. For each holiday, children in elementary schools practice unique and different traditions.

In the fall, two major holidays also deserve special attention in elementary schools. First, on October 31st, there is the infamous holiday of Halloween. On Halloween night, children dress in exciting, scary, and even funny costumes and go from house to house to ring the doorbell and collect candy while screaming "Trick or Treat!". This night, however, is half the fun, as the week prior to Halloween is full of fun activities for kids. In school, children often play games such as "bobbing for apples" or dress up to school and compete in costume competitions. Other fun activities include making caramel covered apples, telling scary stories, and carving jack-o-lanterns out of pumpkins. The interesting, artistic, and quirky pumpkins adorn the porches of houses on Halloween night with candles within to provide light during trick-or-treating.

Another famous holiday is Thanksgiving. To celebrate, children make paper turkeys, string paper rings into streamers, and even put on school plays to commemorate America''s early historical events. Teachers often take extra time to teach students about early, colonial life for Americans and Native Americans, going in depth about food, culture, and beliefs. Most importantly, this is a time for being thankful of family, friends, good food, and more. Because of this, the most common activities in school are to emphasis appreciation, such as with making lists of things students are thankful for. The spirit of appreciation and giving thanks is a precursor to many similar feelings of generosity that are eminent and predominant in the winter holiday season.

As one of the biggest holidays celebrated in America, Christmas comes with a slew of different traditions for elementary school teachers. Starting from the first day of December, teachers often take time each week to plan activities that celebrate Christmas. Many common activities are cutting snowflakes out of paper, making holiday cards, or creating simple wreaths. Other common activities are baking cookies, making gingerbread houses, and compiling Christmas wish lists for gifts from Santa. Magic is very much in the air as there is caroling from class room to class room, drinking of hot chocolate, and making and wrapping of gifts for families. Crafts seem to be a generally popular theme this time of year as students also make their own stockings and Christmas tree ornaments. Traditions also try to instill valuable morals such as generosity, appreciation, and general good behavior to appeal to Santa Claus. There are many famous Christmas movies that have formed along the way, such as It''s a Wonderful Life, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and The Christmas Carol, all of which are played constantly in schools during the month of December.

As spring rears its head each year, there are an abundance of fun holidays for elementary students to enjoy. With Valentines Day, falling on February 14th, students often spend a couple days before making "valentine" gifts to convey love and care to fellow classmates, teachers, and family members. There are menageries of pink and red construction paper, glitter, and lace as classrooms become filled with cards and valentines full of thoughtful sentiment. Many schools allow students to bring in cookies and candy to give as gifts to everyone in the class. This tradition is unique to elementary school and fades out after students enter middle school, making Valentines Day truly a special holiday for many students.

Although there are many more holidays of American culture, such as St. Patrick''s Day, Mothers'' Day and Fathers'' Day, Easter, and the Fourth of July, the overall consensus is that elementary schools work hard to preserve national cultural practices and traditions by practicing many traditions from early on. While no two childhood experiences are alike, many of these holiday practices are the common threads that tie American people and society together.