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STEP 1 先脱离文字听一遍,总结研究人员得出的成果,然后简要回答以下的问题:研究人员做了一个实验,具体是怎样的?研究结果证明了什么?为什么嚼口香糖提高集中力?

STEP 2 现在听第二遍,对照文字检查刚刚的回答是否正确。

Teachers might want to think twice[三思] about posting “no gum-chewing” signs in the classroom. It turns out that the sticky substance[物质] might help students concentrate[集中精神].

Researchers had two groups of 20 people each listen to a 30-minute recording that included a sequence[序列] of numbers. After listening, the participants were asked to remember the sequence. But only one groups chewed gum―and they had higher accuracy[准确性] rates and faster reaction times than the non-gum chewers. Those chewing gum also maintained focus longer during the exercise. The study is in the British Journal of Psychology―and contradicts[驳斥] a 2012 study that found gum chewing decreased[降低] short-term memory performance.

The researchers say that gum increases the flow of oxygen to regions of the brain responsible for attention. More oxygen can keep people alert[机敏的] and improve their reflexes[反射性反应]. Research also shows that you won’t get the same effect by just pretending to chew gum.

So the next time your mind is wandering in class, maybe try some gum. If it doesn’t help you concentrate, you’ll at least be asked to leave.





C hew ing G um Fun Fac ts

1. During WWII, U.S. military personnel[军人] spread the popularity of chewing gum by trading it and giving it as gifts to people in Europe, Africa, Asia and around the world.

2. The color of the first successful bubble gum was pink because it was the only color the inventor had left. The color “stuck,” and today bubble gum is still predominantly[大多] pink.

3. Swallowed gum won’t clog up[阻塞] your intestines[肠道], but it will be with you for a few days. Gum base[主要成分] can’t be digested[消化] so it will pass through your system in one piece.

4. Humans are the only animals on earth that chew gum. If you give a monkey a piece he will chew it for a couple of minutes, then he will take it out and stick it to his hair.

5. Chewing gum after meals may help prevent heartburn[胃灼热].

6. Chewing gum burns around 11 calories[卡路里] per hour.

7. Chewing gum while cutting onions can help a person from producing tears.

8. Turkey is the country with the most gum companies; the United States is second.


1. 二战期间,美国军人将口香糖作为礼物进行交换和赠予别人,使其在欧洲、非洲、亚洲和世界各地广为流传。

2. 第一款获得成功的泡泡糖是粉红色的,因为发明人当时只留下了这种颜色。这个颜色“经久不忘”,如今绝大多数的泡泡糖依然是粉红色的。

3. 误咽口香糖不会阻塞你的肠道,但它会在你体内待上几天。口香糖胶基无法被消化吸收,因此它会一整块通过你的消化系统。

4. 人类是地球上唯一嚼口香糖的动物。如果你给猴子一块口香糖,它会嚼上几分钟,然后把它吐出来粘在自己的毛发上。

5. 饭后嚼口香糖或能防止胃灼热。

6. 嚼口香糖每小时燃烧约11卡路里的热量。

7. 切洋葱时嚼口香糖能够防止切菜人流眼泪。

8. 土耳其是世界上口香糖公司最多的国家;美国排第二。