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新目标英语七年级(下)重、难点讲解(Units 5~6)

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Unit 5 I’m watching TV.

1. ―What’s he doing? 他在干什么?

―He’s reading. (P25) 他正在读书。


They are reading in the classroom. 他们正在教室里读书。

In the evening I often watch TV,but sometimes I read in the bedroom. 晚上我经常看电视,但有时也在卧室里读书。


He can read Shakespeare. 他能看懂莎士比亚的著作。

Let’s read Lesson 18. 让我们读第18课。

She is reading an interesting novel. 她正在看一本有趣的小说。

read用作及物动词时还可以作“朗读”、“念”讲,此时,其后可跟名词或代词。 read也可以用于read somebody something或read something to somebody结构中。例如:

Then he started to read us the letter. 然后他开始给我们念这封信。

She is reading a story to the children. 她正在给孩子们念一篇故事。

2. ―What are you doing? 你在干什么?

―I’m watching TV. (P25) 我在看电视。



Look,here comes the bus. 瞧,公共汽车来了。

He is looking at the pictures. 他正在看图片。

Let me look at your new dress. 让我看一看你的新衣服。

see意为“看到”、“看见”,指有意或无意地看到,强调“看”的结果,常与情态动词can连用。 see多用作及物动词,但有时也可用作不及物动词,没有进行时态。例如:

I can see roses over there. 我能看见那边有玫瑰花。

I look outside but I can see nothing. 我向外看了看,但什么也没有看见。

We see with our eyes. 我们用眼睛看。

watch意为“观看”、“注视”,指特别留意、全神贯注地看运动中的东西。 watch是及物动词,强调带有欣赏性地“看”,像看电视、看比赛、看表演等。例如:

We watch TV every evening. 我们每天晚上看电视。

I am watching a basketball match. 我在看一场篮球赛。

Yesterday evening we watched dancing and singing in a big theatre. 昨天晚上,我们在一家大剧场观看了歌舞表演。

注意:“看电影/戏”通常用see a film/play来表达。

3. talking on the phone (P25) 在电话中交谈


I listen to the weather forecast on the radio every morning. 每天早晨我从收音机中收听天气预报。

Mr Green is on the telephone now. 格林先生现在正在打电话。

We are watching the live football match on television. 我们正在看电视直播的足球比赛。

4. ―Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?

―Sure,this video is boring. (P27) 当然想,这个影碟很无聊。

1) go to the movies意为“去看电影”。表示“去看电影”的说法还有go to a movie,go to the cinema,go to see a film,go to see a movie,go to the pictures和go to see a picture等。例如:

I am going to the pictures tonight. 今晚我要去看电影。

David won’t go to the movies with Helen next Sunday. 大卫下星期天不和海伦一起去看电影。

Let’s go to see a film. 咱们去看电影吧。

The students often go to the cinema by bike. 学生们经常骑自行车去看电影。

2) 此处的sure用作副词。在口语里,sure意为“当然”、“的确”,相当于yes,certainly/surely。 例如:

Sure,I am coming. 当然,我就来。

―May I smoke here? 我可以在这儿抽烟吗?

―Sure. 当然可以。

3) boring是形容词,意为“无聊的”、“令人厌烦的”。例如:

The movie is quite boring. 这部电影很无聊。

It’s a very boring book. 这是一本非常枯燥的书。

5. What’s he waiting for? (P27) 他在等什么?

wait意为“等候”、“等待”,是不及物动词。“等候某人/物”可用wait for somebody/something表示,其中的for不能省略。例如:

They are waiting for the bus over there. 他们正在那儿等车。

Who is she waiting for? 她在等谁?

要表达“等待某人做某事”,可以用wait for somebody to do something。 例如:

I’m waiting for somebody to help me. 我在等人来帮助我。

We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等着雨停下来。

6. Who are Ben and Tim talking to? (P27) 本和蒂姆在和谁说话?

talk to相当于talk with,意为“与……谈话”。例如:

I want to talk to you. 我想和你谈谈。

He is talking with a friend in the street. 他正在街上和一个朋友说话。

7. What are they talking about? (P27) 他们在谈论什么?

talk to,talk with与talk about比较:

talk to和talk with的意思都是“和……谈话”,后面接谈话的对象。不同的是,talk to侧重一方谈,一方听,而talk with侧重双方交谈。如果不强调上述区别,则可以相互替换使用。例如:

The man next to Bill is talking to him in English. 比尔旁边的那个人正在用英语和他讲话。

I must talk with her. 我得和她谈谈。

talk about意为“谈论”,后跟something表示“谈论某事”,后跟somebody表示“谈论某人”。例如:

Maybe I can talk about English names. 也许我可以谈谈英国人的名字。

Let’s not talk about her now. 现在咱们别议论她了。

要表示“和某人谈论某事”,可以用talk to/with somebody about something。 例如:

I will talk to your father about it. 我会就这件事和你父亲谈谈。

8. Thanks for your letter and the photos. (P29) 谢谢你的信和照片。

“Thanks for ...”相当于“Thank you for ...”,意为“因……表示感谢”。其中的名词thank通常以复数形式出现,for是介词,表示原因,其后跟名词或代词,也可跟动词-ing形式。例如:

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

Thanks for sending me so many photos. 谢谢你寄给我这么多照片。

Thanks for telling me about your school. 谢谢你把你们学校的情况告诉我。

9. Here are some of my photos. (P29) 这里是我的一些照片。

此句是一个由here引起的倒装句。 “Here + be + 主语”中的here是副词,应重读,强调地点。 here后面用is还是用are,要看后面的主语是单数还是复数。例如:

Tom,here is a new book for you. 汤姆,这里有一本新书给你。

Here are some maps of China. 这儿有几张中国地图。

10. In the next photo,you can see my family at home. (P29) 在下一张照片里,你能看到我们一家人在家里的情景。

1) next在此是形容词,意为“下一个的”、“下次的”。例如:

Let’s take the next bus. 咱们搭下一班公共汽车吧。

When is the next meeting? 下一次会议什么时候开?

2) family意为“家庭”、“家人”,是集休名词。集体名词作单数用还是作复数用要视具体情况而定。若把它看作整体,则含单数意义。若强调组成该集体的众多成员,则含复数意义。例如:

His family is very large. 他家人口很多。

His family are all workers. 他的家人都是工人。

11. This is my brother,Scott. (P29) 这是我哥哥,斯科特。

“This is + 人的姓名”用来向对方介绍第三者。例如:

Jane,this is Tom. Tom,this is Jane. 珍妮,这是汤姆。汤姆,这是珍妮。


1. 用look (at),see或watch填空。

1) Can you______a bird in the tree?

2) May I______your bike?

3) ______! A car is coming.

4) Let’s go and______the football match.

2. 用talk to或talk about填空。

1) What subject are you______ ?

2) The teacher is______the students in the classroom.

3) He is______writing a play for children.

4) Work in pairs and______these pictures.

Unit 6 It’s raining!

1. ―Hi! How’s the weather in Shanghai? 你好!上海的天气怎么样?

―It’s cloudy. (P31) 多云。

1) “How’s the weather?”是用来询问天气状况的常见句式。谈论天气是英美人的习惯。人们见面时谈论天气,往往是要活跃气氛,引出新的话题。可以用来询问天气的常用句式还有“What’s the weather like?”和“What do you think of the weather?”等。回答时常用代词it来指代“天气”和“气候”。例如:

―What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎样?

―It’s rainy. 今天有雨。

―What do you think of the weather 你认为天气怎样?

―It’s windy. 有风。

2) weather意为“天气”,是抽象名词,不可数,前面不可加a。 试译:今天我们碰上了好天气。

误:We have a fine weather today.

正:We have fine weather today.

2. ―What are they doing? 他们在做什么?

―They are studying. (P32) 他们在学习。



He is learning/studying English now. 他现在正在学习英语。

They are going to study/learn a new lesson next week. 他们下周将学新课。



They are learning to swim. 他们在学习游泳。

Some boys learn slowly. 有些孩子学得慢。

要表示“向某人学习”,应该用learn from somebody。 例如:

Learn from Lei Feng. 向雷锋学习。


He’s studying the problem of maths. 他正在研究数学问题。

Study hard and you’ll learn Chinese well. 只要努力学习,你就能学好汉语。

3. Hi,Jeff! This is Bob. (P33) 你好,杰夫!我是鲍勃。

“This is Bob.”是电话用语。中西方在打电话用语方面存在着一定的差别。汉语中的“你是……吗?”在英语中常用“Is that ...?”来表达,不能用“Are you ...?”;汉语中的“我是……”在英语中常用“This is ...”或“This is ... speaking.”来表达,不能用“I am ...”;问“你是谁?”要用“Who’s that?”,不能用“Who are you?”。 想与某人通话,可以说“May/Can/Could I speak to somebody?”。 例如:

―Is that Tom? 你是汤姆吗?

―Yes,this is Tom speaking. 对,我是汤姆。

―Who’s that? 你是谁?

―This is Jack. 我是杰克。

―May I speak to Henry,please? 我可以和亨利通话吗?

―This is Henry speaking. 我就是亨利。

4. ―How’s it going? 情况怎么样?

―Great!. (P33) 很好!

1) “How is it going?”用来表达说话人对朋友、家人的问候。 it表示目前的情况或状况,动词go表示进展。 “How is it going?”相当于“How is the thing going?”或“How are the things going?”。 要表达对朋友、家人的问候,还可以说“How is everything?”,“How goes it?”,“How is everything going?”。 回答时要根据实际情况而定。可以说“Great! (很好!)”,“Not bad! (不错!)”,“Terrible! (太糟糕了!)”,“Just so so. (马马虎虎)”。例如:

―How goes it? 现在的情况如何?

―Not bad. 还不错。

―How is everything going? 一切进展如何?

―Things are going very well. 很顺利。

2) “Great!”意为“棒极了”,是由“That’s great!”或“It sounds great!”简化而来的。我们称赞某人或是意外地听到好消息时,常用此种说法。例如:

―Mom. I’ve got the first place in the singing contest. 妈妈,我在歌咏比赛中获得了第一名。

―Great! Congratulation! 棒极了!祝贺你!

Great! Let’s go. 好极了!咱们走。

5. Pretty good. (P33) 相当不错。


―Hi,Mike! How’s it going? 喂,迈克!情况怎么样?

―Pretty good. 相当不错。

I feel pretty tired. 我感到相当累。

I’ll be back pretty soon. 我很快就回来。

6. Thank you for joining CCTV’s “Around The World” show. (P35) 谢谢你来参加中央电视台的《世界各地》节目。


He says he’s going to join the army. 他说他要参军。

The old worker joined the Party thirty years ago. 那个老工人三十年前入了党。

―They are playing football now. Shall we join them? 他们正在踢足球,我们去和他们一起踢好吗?

―OK. 好吧。

要表示“参加正在进行着的活动”,常用join in,后面跟表示“活动”的名词或代词,也可以跟动词-ing形式。例如:

May I join in the work? 我可以参加这项工作吗?

They want to join in the football match. 他们想参加这场足球赛。

表示“加入到他人的行列一道从事某项活动”,常用join somebody in something或join somebody in doing something。 例如:

The teacher will join them in the discussion. 老师将和他们一起讨论。

Will you join us in playing basketball? 你跟我们一起打篮球好吗?

7. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. (P35) 一些人在照相,还有些人躺在沙滩上。

1) take photos的意义相当于take pictures,意为“拍照”、“照相”,指自己用照相机给别人或景物拍照。例如:

My brother likes to take photos. 我兄弟喜欢照相。

Will you go to the park to take photos with me this afternoon? 今天下午你同我一起去公园拍照好吗?

表示“给某人照一张相”时,可用take a photo/picture of somebody or something。 例如:

He wants to take a photo of his family. 他想给他的家人照一张相。

They are taking a photo of the Great Wall. 他正在拍一张长城的照片。

2) others与the others比较:


She likes to do good deeds for others. 她喜欢为他人做好事。

There are so many others to choose from. 还有那么多其他的人(或事物)可选。

others常和some对比使用,构成“some ...;others ...”,意为“一些……,另一些……”。例如:

Some students are reading;others are playing. 一些学生在读书,另一些学生在玩。

Some are carrying water;others are watering the trees. 一些人在提水,另一些人在浇树。

the others指整体中除去一部分后,剩余的全部人或物。例如:

Twenty students in the class are playing ping-pong;the others are swimming. 这个班里二十个学生在打乒乓球,其余的在游泳。

3) lying on the beach意为“躺在沙滩上”,lying是lie的现在分词形式,lie在此处意为“躺”。例如:

Go and lie on the bed and have a rest. 去躺在床上休息一会儿吧。

The dog is lying on the ground,breathing. 那条狗正躺在地上喘气。

8. I am surprised they can play in the heat. (P35) 我很惊讶,他们能在这么热的天气里玩。

1) surprised是形容词,意为“感到惊讶的”,be surprised后面常跟that(可省略)从句、介词at或动词不定式。例如:

I am surprised that we lost the game. 我们输了这场比赛,我感到很吃惊。

We are surprised to see you here. 我真想不到会在这儿见到你。

She is surprised at the news. (= She is surprised to hear the news.) 听到这个消息,她很吃惊。

2) in the heat意为“在炎热的天气里/中”。例如:

It’s very hard to work in the heat. 在炎热的天气里劳动很辛苦。

9. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. (P35) 看看那群正在打沙滩排球的人。

look at意为“看……”。 playing beach volleyball是现在分词短语,作宾语补足语用。 look at somebody doing something意为“看某人正在做某事”。例如:

They often looked at the children skating then. 那时他们常常看孩子们滑冰。

We will look at the students walking up the hill. 我们将看着学生们走上山去。

10. The weather is windy and cold. (P35) 天刮着风而且寒冷。


cold意为“寒冷的”,一般用来形容冬天的天气,其反义词是hot。 例如:

It is a cold winter. 这是一个寒冷的冬天。

Do you feel very cold in this room? 在这个屋子里你感觉很冷吗?

cool意为“凉爽的”,一般用来形容秋天的天气,含义为“既不太冷也不太热”,其反义词是warm。 例如:

Mary and Rose are enjoying the cool air. 玛丽和罗丝在乘凉。

Let’s go out. It’s too cool here. 咱们出去吧,这儿太凉了。

11. But everyone is having a good time. (P35) 但是大家都玩得很开心。

everyone (= everybody)意为“每人”、“人人”,只指人,不指物;every one意为“每个(人或物)”,既可指人,也可指物。 everyone和every one用作主语时,谓语动词应为单数形式。例如:

Everyone wants to do it. 大家都想干这件事。

I’m going to tell everyone about it. 我准备把此事告诉所有的人。

He dusts the books and puts every one back on the shelf. 他掸去了书上的灰尘,然后把书都放回到书架上。


误:There are ten glasses on the table. Everyone is full of water.

正:There are ten glasses on the table. Every one is full of water.

表示某个范围内的“每个人”时,everyone后面通常可接“in + 集体名词”,而every one后面可接“of + 具体名词或代词(复数)”。例如:

Everyone in our class likes playing basketball. 我们班所有的人都喜欢打篮球。

Every one of the watches is new. 每块表都是新的。


误:Everyone of us likes English.

正:Every one of us likes English.


Not everyone likes playing football here. 在这里并不是每个人都喜欢踢足球。


1. 用study或learn填空。

1) The boy______to swim fast and well.

2)______hard,work hard,do better every day.

3) We should______from each other.

4) We are going to______Lesson Five this week.

2. 用everyone或every one填空。

1)______of the students likes reading picture books.

2)______of the books is very interesting.

3) I would like______to be happy.

4) Tell me their addresses. I’ll put______down in my notebook.

3. 用cool或cold填空。

1) The weather in England is neither too______nor too hot.

2) I like autumn because the weather is very______ .

3) Winter is very______in the north.

4) Let’s sit in the shade and get______ .

4. 用others或the others填空。

1) I have ten pencils. Four of them are red;______are blue.

2) Some say yes and______say no.

3) Show me some______ ,please.

4) I’ll keep these three books. You may take all______ .

Key to Unit 5:

1. 1) see 2) look at 3) Look 4) watch

2. 1) talking about 2) talking to/with 3) talking about 4) talk about

Key to Unit 6:

1. 1) learns 2) Study 3) learn 4) learn/study

2. 1) Every one 2) Every one 3) everyone 4) every one

3. 1) cold 2) cool 3) cold 4) cool

4. 1) the others 2) others 3) others 4) the others