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完形填空 第1期

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(一)Promise or Nonsense?

The bell rang when Mr Baker was looking over a patient. He held up the receiver and it was the head of the hospital at the other 1of the line. He told the doctor to go to his office. A young man was2with the head when he got there.

"This is James Tailor," said the head, "His father is Mr Tailor."

"Glad to3you, Mr Baker," said the young man, "My father is ill in bed. He believes nobody 4 you. We wish you could give us some help."

"Mr Baker is the5doctor in our town, I'm confident he'll be able to heal your father." The head said and then he turned to the doctor, "A car is 6 you outside. Your work will be to give Mr Tailor enough medical care in two months."

"But I have several patients..."

"Don't7. Mr White will do all instead of you."

In fact, Mr Baker was the tenth doctor who tried to 8the millionaire(百万富翁)who had got a terrible heart disease. By then, nine doctors had 9 He looked him over carefully and then gave him some medicine and advice(忠告). It 10 the old man and he said, "I'll give your hospital $ 5,000,000 if you heal me. "

11 the medicine Mr Baker gave, the old man recovered from illness(康复). He asked the head of the hospital and Mr Baker to 12 . But he didn't mention(提及) his promise(诺言) any longer.

"Do you still13you promised you would give $5,000,000 to our hospital if I could heal you, Mr Tailor?" Mr Baker asked 14.

"Oh dear!" called out the millionaire. "My disease was so 15 that I said some nonsense (胡言乱语) at that time !"

1. A. side B. bank C. row D. end

2. A. talking B. quarrelling C. dancing D. drinking

3. A. receive B. meet C. teach D. send for

4. A. and B. or C. but D. yet

5. A. youngest B. oldest C. best D. strongest

6. A. carrying B. taking C. looking after D. waiting for

7. A. worry B. tell C. shout D. explain

8. A. help B. save C. hurt D. follow

9. A. succeeded B. failed C. lost D. won

10. A. surprised B. frighten C. moved D. interested

11. A. Thanks to B. So far C. As if D. By the way

12. A. meeting B. concert C. hike D. dinner

13, A. remember B. forget C. write D. hope

14. A. sometimes B. often C. at last D. at first

15. A. important B. serious C. safe D. easy

(二) The Result

Nick has a dog now. Each of his friends had one 1 him. He told his mother about it and asked her to buy one for him, but she2 . She's always sick at home and only her husband works in a restaurant so that he can offer enough food to their family. The boy was 3.

One morning, on her way to hospital, the woman found a thin dog by the road. She looked around and there were 4people there. She brought it home. Of course, Nick is happy. He takes good care of it and plays with it after school. Now the dog gets strong and often 5 him when he goes out.

It was Saturday yesterday. Nick went out for a walk with his dog. He 6 Sam, one of his friends, at the corner. Sam thought it was a nice dog and it 7 Nick.

"I'm training Jimmy now," said Nick, "I'm trying to teach him to bark(吠) when he wants some8 ."

"It isn't difficult, I think."

"But I've already taught him hundreds of 9."

"Has he learned yet?"

"No," said Nick, "Instead, he doesn't have anything 10 I bark!"

1. A. with B. but C. without D. for

2. A. laughed B. cried C. agreed D. refused

3. A. shy B. strange C. sad D. angry

4. A. few B. many C. several D. plenty of

5. A. follows B. sees C. hears D. receives

6. A. hit B. hurt C. encouraged D. met

7. A. surprised B. worried C. excited D. discovered

8. A. drinks B. food C. help D. rest

9. A. minutes B. times C. metres D. kilos

10. A. because B. if C. unless D. when


Jim is twelve. He was born in a 1 family. His father is ill and can't work. His mother works hard but she 2 get enough food for her family and her children are often 3 . She had to tell Jim, her 4 son, to find work. The boy began to wait on the captain(伺候船长) in a 5 . He's clever and careful, so the captain likes him.

Once the captain 6 a Chinese teapot(茶壶)in a shop. It was expensive and he liked it very much. He told Jim to 7 it. And one day it began to 8 when the boy worked in the kitchen (厨房). The teapot 9 to the floor. Jim picked it up at once, but it was 10. He was too afraid to know what to do. He looked around and there was11 around. He threw it into the sea.

That evening Jim brought supper to the captain. He 12 by the table and watched him. And when the man was happy, he asked," May I ask you13 , sir?"

"Yes, you may, "answered the captain.

"If you know where a thing is," said the boy. "Is it lost(丢失) 14 not?"

"No, it isn't."

"That's OK!"Jim said 15 ." I didn't lose your teapot!"

"Where's it now?"

"In the sea."

1. A. rich B. poor C. safe D. dangerous

2. A. must B. mustn't C. can D. can't

3. A. hungry B. full C. ill D. healthy

4. A. old B. young C. oldest D. youngest

5. A. bus B. train C. plane D. ship

6. A. found B. made C. bought D. sold

7. A. look after B. be good for C. be kind to D. look over

8. A. snow B. blow C. rain D. jump

9. A. climbed B. ran C. fell D. flew

10. A. good B. broken C. bad D. closed

11. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

12. A. sat B. stood C. played D. ate

13. A. a question B. a story C. an exercise D. an answer

14. A. and B. but C. so D. or

15. A. angrily B. happily C. carefully D. easily


Mr Green had a new telephone number. 1 he got it, it was the number of a shop. The shop now had a new number, but a lot of women did not know 2, so they 3 telephoned the old one.

At first, Mr and Mrs Green always said, "We are 4. You have called 5 number. The shop has a new one now. " But women still continued to call them to 6things. So after 7 , Mr and Mrs Green began to answer them like this.

"Good morning, madam, what do you want us to send you today?" They thought, " Perhaps they will 8 to us when they don't 9their things." But this didn't help them, because now women began to telephone them more and more, and to say10. "Where are my things? They have not come yet! Why haven't you sent them yet?"

1. A. After B. Before C. When D. As soon as

2. A. it B. them C. this D. these

3. A. also B. still C. never D. just

4. A. sure B. sorry C. believe D. here

5. A. wrong B. mistaken C. the wrong D. your

6. A. ask B. ask for C. sent for D. reach

7. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times

8. A. stop telephoning B. stop to telephone

C. go on telephoning D. go on to telephone

9. A. search B. sell C. get D. take

10. A. happily B. angrily C. worriedly D. hurriedly


It was three o'clock in the afternoon. Steven and his friends were playing hide-and-seek (捉迷藏)in a neighbour's house. They were very 1 , and the game was so interesting! Steven smiled2 himself. This time he had found a good place to hide in,and he would not 3 ! And what was his hiding place? It was an old refrigerator(冰箱) ,which had not been used for a long time, in the kitchen.

Steven opened the door of the refrigerator; there was nothing inside. Quietly he went4 , closing the door behind him.

Of course Steven was not caught!But he was5 serious trouble!His friends forgot him, 6 they all went home. His mother came to 7 him home, but he was missing! Everyone helped to 8 Steven. He could not be found, and his parents reported the matter to the 9 .

The next morning the neighbours heard a knock in the kitchen. It 10 to come from the old refrigerator. They opened the door and had the shock(吃惊) of their lives. Steven was in it ! He was crying, and he looked frightened and hungry.

1. A. excited B. excitedly C. excite D exciting

2. A. at B. for C. to D. with

3. A. caught B. was caught C. be caught D. been caught

4. A. into B. in C. inside D. out

5. A. in B. for C. with D. at

6. A. but B. and C. though D. when

7. A. get B. make C. ask D. take

8. A. look out B. look for C. look up D. look after

9. A. radio B. TV C. school D. police

10. A. seems B. seem C. seemed D. was seemed

(六)Have to Pay

Henry was a boy of nine. He was born in a 1 family. His father was often ill and couldn't go to work. 2 his mother worked in a factory. She worked hard and hoped to give her four children and husband 3 food and clothes. But she failed. Her family was sometimes 4. Of course, she couldn't send Henry to school. She was5it but she didn't know what to do. The boy was very clever and taught himself to read and write and 6 at home in the evening. And in the daytime he was polishing (擦)shoes in the street, so he could earn (挣)some 7 for his family.

One afternoon the boy saw a young man's shoes were 8, so he said to him, "Let me polish your shoes."

"No, thank you," the young man said and walked 9.

"You may pay me only a dollar, sir," the boy shouted l0 him. But the young man refused again. Then the boy11for a while and told him that he would polish his shoes for nothing(免费). The young man 12 to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man 13 the other shoe to the boy, but the boy refused to polish it unless he was paid two dollars for his work. The young man refused to 14 anything on it and went away.

But his shoes were so different that he had to15 . He had to turn back and gave the boy two dollars. In a very short time the shoe was as bright as the other one.

1. A. happy B. lucky C. rich D. poor

2. A. Only B. Just C. Or D. Since

3. A. much B. little C. enough D. no

4. A. full B. hungry C. empty D. pleased

5. A. afraid of B. sorry for C. useful to D. friendly to

6. A. play B. swim C. count D. sleep

7. A. books B. clothes C. shoes D. money

8. A. dirty B. clean C. worn-out D. new

9. A. over B. out C. on D. in

10. A. under B. above C. in front of D. behind

11. A. thought B. read C. wrote D. saw

12. A. liked B. agreed C. worried D. surprised

13. A. threw B. passed C. kicked D. showed

14. A. pay B. cost C. spend D. give

15. A. stop B. run C. hurry off D. fly away


(一)1--5DABCC6--10 DABBC 11--15 ADACB


2.A.Mr Baker到那儿的时候,院长和年轻人正在谈话。

3.B.那个年轻人有求于Mr Baker,当然对他很客气,说见到他很高兴。



6.D.百万富翁派来的人要Mr Baker马上去给他看病,汽车当然会等在那里。

7.A.院长让Mr Baker别担心,他的工作会有人做的。


9.B.由于前面9个医生都失败了,才请Mr Baker去救那个百万富翁的命。

10.C. 由于Mr Baker的精心治疗,感动了百万富翁,他才作出了如果治好他就赠给医院


11.A. 百万富翁能康复,当然是由于用了Mr Baker所给的药物。


13.A.百万富翁不再提及赠款的事,Mr Baker只好问他是否还记得自己的诺言。

14.C.晚宴快结束的时候,Mr Baker才提起这个话题。


(二)1-5 BDCAA6--10DCBBC



3.C. 别的孩子都有狗,Nick却没有,他当然很伤心。





7.C. Sam称赞了Nick的小狗,这当然使得他很兴奋。






1.B.由下文His father is ill and can't work.可推知。






7.A.be good for对……有好处。船长非常喜欢那个茶壶,让男孩照看它。be kind to对

……友好;look over检查,均不合题意。






13.A.ask a question问一个问题。










6.B.ask for sth.要求得到某物。

7.A.after+一段时间,与过去时态连用。some time意为“一段时间”。sometime可用作副词或形容词,sometimes用作副词;some times用作副词短语,不能与介词after连用。

8.A.他们想人们或许将停止打电话给他们。停下正在做的事为stop doing形式,故选

A。stop to do是停下正在做的事去做另一件事之意。go on doing是继续做以前相同 的动作。go on to do为做与以前不同的另一个动作,均不符合题意。










5.A.in trouble为固定搭配,“处于困境之中”的意思。


7.D.take sb.some place把某人带到某地。

8.B.look for寻找,由上文可知Steven丢了,找不到了,人们都在帮助找他。look out为

“小心”之意;look up为“查阅,查找”;look after为“照顾,照看”,均不合题意。


10.C. seem为不及物动词,没有被动语态,排除选项D,由于文章第一句就确定了时态,






4.B.从前面一句“But she failed.”就能看出,他们全家人有时会挨饿。











