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矿工 第12期

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This is a true story in Africa. Once, six miners were excavating1 coal in a very deep mine. Suddenly, the mine collapsed2, and the exit was blocked. The miners were isolated from outside. This kind of accidents happened very often there. According to their experience, they realized that what they needed most was oxygen3, which might last three hours for them.

At the time, among the six people, only one of them had a watch. So they agreed that the miner who had the watch should announce the time once every half hour. When the first half hour passed, the miner with the watch mentioned lightly "Half hour has passed". But he was exceptionally strained4 and worried at heart, because he was announcing the approaching dead line. At this time, he brainstormed and decided to reduce the pain of death of others. The second half hour passed, but he kept silent. Another quarter passed, then, he braced5 himself up and said: "One hour passed." In fact, 75 minutes have already passed. Another hour passed, the miner with the watch announced for the third time that the so-called half hour passed. His co-workers thought that 90 minutes had passed, but only he knew that 135 minutes had passed.

Four and half hours passed before the rescure workers arrived. To the surprise of everyone, five of the six miners survived. Only one of them was suffocated6- he was the miner with the watch.

Because of the unconsciousness of the miners, they did not know when the miners stopped announcing time, but he had brought hopes of life to others.






①excavate v.挖掘

②collapse v.(使)倒塌

③oxygen n.[化]氧气

④strain n.过度的疲劳

⑤brace v.支持

⑥suffocate vt.使窒息,噎住,闷熄