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Exploration of the curriculum resource library construction of university networ

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(Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, China 132011)

Abstract. With the development of information technology, how to build a resource library that adapt to the development of vocational education, professional characteristics favor standardized resource sharing between vocational schools, scientific and open career teaching vocational education teaching reform and information technology become the urgent problem. This article starts from the repository construction characteristics and the actual situation of the College of departure, and actively explores the network database curriculum resource library building programs.

Key words: Network Database Courses; Repository; Ideas; Contents; Sharing

1. Introduction

The advent of the information age, so IT gradual deepening of all walks of life, and the growing importance of computer technology in the field of education as the core of modern educational technology. Accompanied by major institutions to vigorously carry out the exemplary construction work, all colleges and universities have begun to actively explore the construction and reform of the university curriculum. Therefore, the establishment of a set of curriculum resources of all kinds and to set management and sharing daily teaching activities support, display and evaluation functions in one teaching resource library is particularly important.

2. The significance of college teaching resource

library construction

The study reinforces the Majors in the top level of the repository design, scientific grasp the positioning of the building; strengthen library resources construction, promote the school's professional education reform; expand the range of social training to undertake to strengthen vocational education and general education and secondary vocational education links. Promote national model of university teaching resource library building program to speed up the process of higher vocational education reform and development, and support the development of industries around the country focus on close contact with the national industrial planning and socio-economic development, the cloth the point large amount of professional development and promotion professional teaching resource library shared by remote IT to achieve high-quality teaching resources sharing, teaching for teachers, students and the community of learners autonomous learning services, and ultimately led to the development of relevant professional teaching resources, to promote the implementation of professional teaching reform and improve the professional personnel training quality, enhance the ability of social services for the construction of vocational education professional.

(1) To play the role of radiation quality teaching resources, to achieve high quality balanced teaching of the major institutions and balanced development of vocational education, led the major institutions enhance the overall quality of teaching.

(2) They create a student's own learning space, to enable students to independent and collaborative learning in network-based learning environment.

(3) To promote the sustainable development of higher vocational education, the quality of teaching resources for social workers and opening up, to create effective learning support service system for skilled personnel in the production and construction management services to front-line practitioners to provide lifelong learning supported.

(4) The exemplary role of the building results can be fully displayed, which plays demonstration institutions to take the lead role in persuading the entire vocational colleges teaching reform, to promote the reform and development of vocational education as a whole. For educators to help them develop personalized tutoring, custom teaching content, the completion of the process of teaching, improve teaching effectiveness, to update their knowledge and skills, constantly self-teaching capabilities with other teachers within the platform accessibility teaching exchange and resource sharing interchangeable, strengthen education cooperation and exchange. For learners, promote independent study of the use of a variety of terminal, skills training, and enjoy career guidance, entrepreneurial guidance services, to tracking employment information and teaching resources to achieve lifelong education to promote professional growth. For social learners receive continuing education, helps them access to social services and training to understand the latest industry information, and to smooth its employment channels for sharing information.

3. The basic idea of the network database library of curriculum resources

Finishing of the repository construction of the course content including platform of teaching resources and teaching resources. During repository construction, it always follows a combination of engineering, work process-oriented thinking, making the work requirements of the training objectives of the entire course always closely linked with business experts. They are together to establish a relatively smooth resources collection channel and the development and consolidation of bases, do Construction information in various forms, scientific and accurate, closely integrated with the actual production; platform construction done rationality, ease of use and scalability, easy to operate and use. Professional teaching resource library building to coordinate the planning, step by step, to maintain long-term stability of the teaching resources and constant updates and maintenance.

3.1 Market research

The network database course is an integral part of the computer network of professional market research needs of the entire profession as a starting point to make. And then screened out of the course of study, we should Institutes the computer professional network database curriculum and enterprise database technology talent demand conditions two angles. This process needs to find out the following five aspects: professional background, the status and role of the professional in society. Industry information, their demand for talent in the industry was involved in the professional requirements of the professional positions practitioners, professional qualification and the graduation raw employment destination. Professional positioning, require that students possess the necessary theoretical knowledge and be able to service the ability to work in the production of the first line. Center of the field of employment, network systems integration companies, government agencies and institutions network, the information industry part of the financial sector; service-oriented, facing the IT industry and high-tech industries.

3.2 School-enterprise cooperation

In the repository construction process, not only to joint other universities to jointly study and inter-industry linkages, more needs to be strengthened, grasp the needs of today's business career. Through active exploration and efforts of our hospital, is now available with a number of enterprises to establish school-enterprise cooperation, and signed by a school-enterprise cooperation agreement, which has played a positive role in promoting the curriculum resource library building. Business experts in the process of cooperation, full participation in the construction of curriculum resources, they constitute a development team with full-time teachers in schools, jobs and post group work analysis, put forward the basic requirements of the business side of the actual job required competencies, the formation of professional standardized documents, and related enterprise resources. School-enterprise cooperation to explore and practice the important measure of the repository construction, the production chain into disciplines repository, to achieve “win-win" school-enterprise cooperation.

4. The functions and influence of resource library

4.1 Expanding school impact

Major institutions in the building on the basis of the professional teaching resource library, with an open platform, across time and space constraints, not only improve the quality of education, and making it a true open oriented everyone beyond the campus boundaries education. As a result, their respective advantages of professional and high-quality education resources fully present, to the best teachers, the best teaching results spread in all directions, directly expand the school in the community, to enhance the image of the school, and are conducive to the absorption of bargains for more development opportunities.

4.2 Promote personalized learning

Learners with professional teaching resource libraries to learn, on the one hand, according to the characteristics of their own learning as well as learning the basis of autonomy with "learning packages. On the other hand, the system can be achieved for each learner personalized information, learning the track record and can be recorded according to the members of the various learning to propose targeted personalized learning advice, and then for the personalized learning provides a practical and effective ways to realize.

4.3 To build the technology service platform

Build technical exchanges and technology promotion platform to promote the reform of the teaching mode, project based curriculum development, professional skills upgrading, and comprehensively improve the quality of personnel training and social services for related professional capacity. The national vocational institutions relevant professional and the all-round development of the professional group curriculum development and resource building drive the construction application management platform. Create employment information, career guidance and employment services platform, the formation of a good employment information exchange mechanism to promote and improve the employment rate and the quality of employment of students. To meet the training needs of the corporate officers, Medium demand for vocational education, the establishment of enterprise employees, the platform in the past officers, graduates of the vocational training of migrant workers, the formation of professional competence training package to meet the different categories of personnel in the industry self-study training needs.

4.4 To promote the process of education information

Major institutions teaching professional teaching resource library implementation Realization are distance education, by its independent of time and space constraints, the accessibility features of the learning, making professional teaching resource library each institutions focus on teaching strong expansion and supplement, to promote education reform, in particular, to promote the process of education information.

5. The contents of the repository construction

5.1 The overall structure of the system

A teaching resource library system using Browser / Server (browser / server) mode, contains a three-tier architecture, database systems, application servers and browsers of three parts. The entire system includes the two parts of the management system and database system. B / S structure, the main use continues to mature WWW browser technology, combined with a the browser variety of Script Language (VBScript, JavaScript, etc.) and ActiveX technology to achieve the original complex proprietary software to achieve powerful browser and saving development costs.

5.2 The module design of management system

The teaching resource library system needs analysis, we believe that vocational colleges teaching resource library management system should contain the following modules:

System management module. The type of system management module permissions should include basic data preparation; faculties structure the creation, maintenance, resource upload, download, review, edit, and delete. The main users of the system management are a system administrator, mainly to provide the functionality required for users as well as the management and maintenance of systems and announcement.

Learning Management module. The main function of the learning management module covers most of the functionality of curriculum support teaching and students' self-learning process used. The main users of the module object teachers and students.

Resource management module. The resource management module provides coursework and teaching courses related file upload, maintenance, downloads and other functions. Including audit resources, edit, delete, and resources released.

Job management module. Job management module provides the operating arrangement, job submission and job marking function.

Problem Management module. The problem Management module provides teachers to answer various questions related to the students' learning process. FAQ and questions Message function composed of two parts.

Test management module. The main function of the test management module is exam maintenance and self-test.

Online helps module. An online help module to help student’s proficient solves the various problems that may be encountered in the use of the process.

5.3 Shared repository and its implementation

The shared repository construction voluminous is related to various aspects of the learning areas, building a shared repository platform framework for the analysis and design of the above content. Both on the basis of the above content built, according to the teaching of professional personnel training needs to call the combination of resource material library resources, and the ability of the test platform, virtual training platform links shared resource library. Network professional shared repository function modules and system functions to achieve angle, the main function of the shared resource library are: user management rights certification system; support for ordinary users to upload, download, browse, retrieve resources; support multi-user shared resources evaluation and feedback mechanisms of interaction; support system administrator the shared repository data increase, subtract, delete, update, management and maintenance. To organize someone online assessment, delete substandard resources, in order to ensure the quality of the uploaded resources; through the analysis of user access logs to determine the utilization of various resources. The design of the entire system permissions is divided into three types: ordinary users, resources administrator and system administrator, used to meet the needs of all types of users, user friendly management interface to reduce the user to use the difficulty.

The core part of the curriculum resource library development, the development of the content of the resource, the starting point of the design of the course is to establish a comprehensive learning task throughout a course teaching the whole story, and this learning task can complete a project, make a device, or the completion of a thesis, students are able to accomplish this task gradually mastered the ability to curriculum standards. Comprehensive learning task requires learning curriculum objectives in the field of design basis, the entire contents of the learning courses in the field of concrete for the project as a carrier, rather than the general experimental and training, while comprehensive, scalability gives students enough space to play, establish an action system led courses. In this session, we carried out a variety of resources scientific finishing analysis and induction, to establish a high standard of teaching resource library to meet the individual needs of teachers and students.

6. Conclusion

Network resource library is the foundation of information technology in education, and is a long-term construction and maintenance of systems engineering. Part of the network database, as a computer professional, the construction of the repository needs to follow standardized, systematic, and the principles of engineering and network construction, a specialized pipeline development, combined with the practice of online teaching, striving for building The Teaching Reform combination and steady advance of this online education infrastructure work.

7. Acknowledgement

This article was financially supported by the university-level education reform project of the Northeast Dianli University in 2011: “New college English teaching mode based on network platform and training and learning strategies”; And the education reform project of Jilin Province: “Study on the English teaching design under the multimedia threshold”.


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