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中图分类号:F224 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8409(2012)08-0023-04

Research on the Coordination Equili rium of Communication

etween Enterprise-university-institute Cooperative Organizations

SHENG Yong-xiang, SUN Qing-hu WU Jie

(School of Economics and Management, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003)

A stract: Using the game theory and on the asis of constructing one payoff’s ta le of enterprise-university-institute cooperation, this paper chooses a different means of communication as a strategy and revenue function for the utility function, and analyzes coordination equili rium of the cooperative organization for the different networks and different people interaction using different ways to communicate. The conclusions are as follows: for any cooperative interaction’s network, under the conditions of adopting the same communication strategy com ination as Nash equili rium, if the network is complete, the Nash equili rium is pro a ly the only Nash equili rium; if the network is not complete, then there may e a variety of equili rium of applying means of communication. ut if each participants in the internal network to take a com ination of different communication strategies are Nash equili rium conditions, regardless of the network is complete or incomplete, there may e equili rium of a variety of communication. Then it finds the prisoner's dilemma of communications in the early stages of research cooperation has historical path dependence and is difficult to e solved y internal communication, ut through communicating coordination it can achieve Pareto equili rium.

Key words: enterprise-university-institute; cooperative organization; means of communication; coordination equili rium


不同产学研合作组织之间需要不同的交流方式,不同交流方式协调组合的均衡效果也不一样。不同合作网络的互动水平与产学研合作组织演化过程中不同人员交流方式的动态变化影响到采用不同交流方式协调均衡的实现。产学研合作组织之间交流方式协调均衡问题一直受到学者的关注。Semsar的文章采用博弈的多个团队合作协调的问题,提出了协调的难点所在[1];Hossain的文章研究了沟通网络的中心度和有组织协调的关系,设计文本挖掘方法用大量数据说明多种沟通方式的协调度问题[2]。Riechmann的文章研究了竞争作为协调的一种重要手段,通过对组织内部的竞争可以用较少的努力达到有效率的协调,并指出协调失败的真正原因在于采用策略的不确定性[3]。Amil用博弈论的方法,针对合作组织协调和延迟问题提出了一种解决方法,从而可以达到一个帕累托均衡[4]。Hung-Pin研究了技术推动和沟通拉动这两种力量提高产学研合作的效果,着重强调电子邮件在协调工作中的重要作用[5]。McChesney研究了软件项目管理中的协调方式和沟通问题的关系,通过调查发现存在某些协调模式不适合有固定场所和每天有交流的软件项目管理[6]。Terwel研究了组织的动机和交流方式影响组织之间的相互信任,得到了采用有效沟通方式是组织之间相互信任的重要手段的结论[7]。O erg分析了网络组织中垂直方向方面的沟通问题,指出具有网络特性的产学研合作之间沟通具有传统的官僚特征和传输通道特性[8]。类似的文章还有Souza J研究了具有网络特征的自组织沟通方式,Dins ach研究了不同种族人员之间的沟通内容,实证分析表明沟通方式和工作内容、态度和工作满意度之间存在正相关关系[9,10]。