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Random forest model and application of arch dam′s deformation monitoring and prediction

LUO Hao1,2,GUO Shengyong2,BAO Weimin1

1.College of Water Resources and Hydrology,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;

2.Yalong River Hydropower Company Ltd,Chengdu 610051,China)

Abstract:Dam deformation prediction plays an important role in the safety assessment of dam operation.Traditional models lack forecasting precision and the simulation effect is not stable enough.Besides,if abnormal values of dam deformation exist,traditional machine algorithm model lacks the flexibility of dealing with these abnormal data,which will lead to the deviation of the forecasting results.In order to solve these problems,random forest algorithm was introduced to the field of dam deformation monitoring for the first time.Similarity matrix of random forest was applied to divide dam deformation monitoring points into several parts.Random forests prediction model was established for each part,which will avoid the defects of traditional models such as modeling of single point or using the same model for all deformation monitoring points.Establishing forecasting model for different parts of dam was more in line with engineering practice.Deformation data of one arch dam was analyzed and the feasibility of random forest model was verified.The results showed that partition of dam deformation points based on similarity matrix of random forest conformed to the physical and engineering practical pared with support vector machine and BP neural network model,the prediction model of random forests for each part had the higher prediction precision and stability,which provided a new approach in the area of dam safety monitoring.

Key words:arch dam deformation;monitoring model;partitions of monitoring points;random forests;deformation prediction

国内外普遍将大坝变形监测[12]作为主要的监测项目,大坝受各种复杂因素的影响,变形值是反映其运行状态的最直观的表征。根据大坝变形的原型观测资料建立准确的预测模型,对大坝位移进行预测,能及时发现大坝的异常变化,采取措施防止事故发生。因此,大坝变形预报对大坝运行的安全评估起着至关重要的作用。目前应用较多数学模型主要包括统计模型[23]、确定性模型[45]和混合型模型[56],这些模型在一定程度上可以揭示监测值和影响量之间定性和定量关系,但由于影响大坝位移的因素复杂,传统的方法受变量多重共线性的影响或模型参数的选取不恰当,使得模型精度下降。近年来,一些学者将新兴的机器算法如人工神经网络[78]、遗传算法[9]、蚁群算法[1011]、支持向量机[1213]等算法建立大坝监控模型,[JP2]但这些监控模型的研究和应用尚未达到完善的程度,每种方法都存在一定程度上的优缺点。另外,由于大坝具有整体性,布置在坝体和坝基的各测点之间存在差异性和关联性,目前位移监控模型还是以单测点为主,单测点位移监控模型存在很大的局限性,不能反映大坝整移变化情况;多维多测点模型较单测点位移模型更符合工程实际情况,但由于多测点位移监控模型[14]中待定参数较多,要达到一定的变形分析和预报精度,对原型观测数据要求较高,给建模造成很大难度,在实际工程中的应用并不广泛。随机森林(Random Forest,RF)[15]算法是由Breiman在2001年提出的一种新的机器学习技术,随机森林模型能有效地分析非线性、具有高度共线性和相互影响的数据,不需要提前假定模型的数学形式,该算法在在生物学[1617]、土壤学[1819]、医学[20]等领域已经得到了一定的应用,但在大坝安全监测领域应用几乎没有。此外,相似性矩阵是随机森林算法的重要的分析工具之一,尝试利用随机森林算法的相似性矩阵来表征大坝各位移监测点之间的相似性关系,基于这种相似关系,将大坝测点分区,分别对各区建立随机森林回归预测模型。随机森林算法预测精度高、对于异常值的处理和噪声方面具有很大的优势,不易出现过度拟合的线性,能有效处理复杂变量间的共线性问题,该算法为大坝安全监控提供了一种新思路。





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