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用a, an, the或“/”填空。

1. What’s_____popula-

tion of China?

2. China has _____ popu-

lation of about 1.3 billion.

3. He is _____ taller one of the twins.

4. _____ more you help others, _____ happier you will be.

5. I have to go up to _____ sixth floor to ask him for _____ second time.

6. What _____ bad weather it is!

7. There is _____ “ l ” in the word “life”.

8. China was still quite poor in _____ 1950s.

9. For Chinese, _____ Spring Festival is more important than _____ New Year’s Day.

10. Look at the girl. What’s in her _____ other hand?

11. _____ number of the boys in our class is 24.

12. _____ number of boys went hiking last Sunday.

13. She is always helping _____ others.


1. the2. a 3. the4. The, the5. the,a6. /7. an 8. the 9. the, / 10. /11. The12. A13. /


一、表示“某地的人口”和“某一数量的人口”,分别用“the population of +地点”和“a population of +数字”,故第1题填the,第2题填a。


三、表示“越……,就越……”用“the +比较级, the +比较级”结构,故第4题的两空都填the(第一个the的首字母要大写)。




七、“in the 1950s”表示“二十世纪五十年代”,故第8题填the.



十、“the number of ”表示“……的数量”,而“a number of ”表示“许多”,相当于many,故第11题填The, 第12题填A。

十一、明确的范围中的其他部分是the others,没有范围或范围模糊时, others 之前不用定冠词,故第13题不填。