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On University Education

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Abstract: Great emphasis is placed on university education. The nub of it is to cultivate intellectuals rather than teach knowledge only. This paper begins with the current situation of university education and talks about the final purpose of university education from the concepts taken on by university.

Key Words: university education; current situation; concepts

【摘 要】大学教育已经被高度重视,其实质应该是培养真正的知识分子,而不仅仅是传授知识。本篇论文从大学教育的现状谈起,分析了大学教育所应秉持的理念及其应达到的最终目的。


I. Introduction

Lots of people question the meaning of a university education. To serve the society, to extend the range of knowledge or to get the paper qualifications? Actually, the meaning is beyond all of these. The definition of “university” is “an institution at the highest level of education when you can study for a degree or do research”. Simply, a university is a place where a student has to study for four or five years after graduation from high-school and before pursuing advanced studies or working. In this period, what present should the university give to students?

II. The Trend

The primary mission of a university is solution of puzzlements and cultivation of sensible men. This does not mean only to let the teachers instruct the knowledge. A university should bring up the students as leading elites for the future, and its major business is not education in technical arts, but that in humanities. It teaches the students to command wisdom of mankind to explore mystery of existence with philosophy; to accumulate collective memory of mankind and to understand subtle and deep emotional worlds of people, so as to make all existences sympathetic and apprehensive living communities with literature; to realize the complexity, profundity and infinite of objective world, in order to enrich and perfect the spirit of mankind with natural science, so on and so forth. A university should promote its national culture and enhance its cultural traditions. Customs and traditions can be gone down to posterity, but the sophisticated and profound wisdom can not be passed to generations without teaching.

The second mission of the university is teaching the students how to be a man. Courageous, honesty, sincerity, lifelong ambition to truth, etc. are the essential of a whole person. Only through these qualities, a person can move on. In November 20th, 2008, Director of Peking University admission policy said, “The students who do not honor their parents would be rejected.” Filial piety, especially in our Chinese culture, is a very much important character. If a person is lack of these who dare depend on him? In the academic world, there are many recognized authorities but their concepts are not always right. If the young are eager to truth, the job must be done is to be brave, daring to challenge and criticize authority, and tell what he thought. If not, the truth will never be touched. In Nagoya University, the first lesson is teaching the students to be courageous to tell the truth.

The third is a university should teach the students how to study instead of giving the knowledge directly. On the one hand, the knowledge can be learned in university is very limited, and on the other, with the development of the society, the knowledge is changing and regenerating gradually. But if a person masters the tool——-how to study, even out of the university, he know how to adapt to the society, because the tool turns his mind to be a sponge, ready to absorb international nourishment at any time and any place.

The fourth mission of a university is to understand the relationship between the society and university. There is a worrying trend that lots of people image a university should serve the interest of the society. Cheng Naifang, the President of Beijing Foreign Language Study University, who said, “We can’t cultivate a number of vendors to satisfy the needs of market, which is an important factor but not the deciding factor”[1]. Philosophy, the base of all kinds of sciences and world views of mankind, are stopped to teach just because it is not so practical? Or literature, because a highly competitive market doesn’t need Jia Baoyu. A university should plant the seeds of access to discovery, generation, establishment of a more pleasant surroundings, and creation of more wealth. This is the bridge between a university and society.

The fifth is that a university should establish itself as the center of social—political criticism. It is the inescapable duties of a university to criticize all disvalues, prejudices and even police measure that violate the human conscience in social life.

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. A university is the place of communication of moral message and cultivation of a whole person. How to be a knowledgeable man who seeks for truth and is responsible for the world is the target of the university education. It is not only responsible for the students but also for the society.


[1] 张亚哲. 新东方精神[J]. 北京:新东方出版社,2008第一期