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Just when parents thought they might finally be free of their children, many of this year’s

college graduates will pick up their degrees—and move back home. Even those who don’t may continue to live off the parental dole; at the start of 1)HBO’s hit series Girls, Hannah, played by Lena Dunham, is trying to keep the monthly checks from Mom and Dad coming. The fragile economy could 2)exacerbate the phenomenon of delayed adolescence, keeping Americans in their late 20s and even early 30s dependent on their families for years.



种关系的转变是在1999年,当时经济正飞速发展。甚至在手机时代到来之前,很多20来岁的女性每周会和妈妈聊天数次。她们谈论有关男朋友的问题、学业和未来的计划等。她们把脏衣服带回家,和妈妈一起去逛街,甚至会把妈妈(有时是爸爸)称作 “最好的朋友”。她们的描述可能有点让人觉得肉麻腻烦,然而她们的妈妈却表示自己为此感到很兴奋。她们为女儿感到骄傲,并因这种亲密而得意洋洋。



The benefits of parental involvement are not surprising from a global perspective. In other cultures and among many ethnic subcultures in America, young adults are expected to be intensely involved with their parents. Romantic relationships and marriage were the ties of primary importance in the United States during the 20th century. But in this new century, with delays in marriage, more Americans choosing to remain single, and high divorce rates, a tie to a parent may be the most important bond in a young adult’s life.

Technological and economic developments have contributed to this shift. Nationwide cellphone calling plans and e-mail ease communication. Young people spend extra years in school to pursue well-paying careers. Teenagers who don’t go on to higher education need even more parental support while they work at lowpaying jobs with irregular hours. The economic 9)downturn did not push kids out of the family.

Although this parental support seems to be a good thing, the new arrangements also 10)rankle many people and violate ideals of autonomy that have long prevailed in this nation.

In our surveys, parents and grown children alike reported uneasiness, viewing intense parental support in adulthood as a sign of damaging overinvolvement. Parents reported less satisfaction about their own lives if they believed their children were too dependent. The problem isn’t with the help, 11)per se, but with viewing that support as abnormal and worrying that it could cause harm. Maybe we just need to get over this discomfort.

In fact, we could be celebrating the strong bonds between today’s young people and their parents, rather than 12)lamenting the 13)foibles of the next generation. Forty years ago, the news media were filled with reports of a generation gap. Let’s be grateful that we’ve finally solved that problem.



