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全新时尚设计精品酒店Hotel G

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北京Hotel G是房地产私募基金管理公司“基汇资本”旗下投资管理的首个高级时尚精品酒店,同时也为该品牌即将进驻中国和其他亚洲精选城市打响头炮。它以六十年代怀旧的好莱坞风格为设计灵感,锁定崇尚设计品味及优质生活的年轻企业家、创意人士及社交名流为目标市场。

酒店入口及外立面的设计均别具匠心,采用别出心裁的茄紫色调,入夜即通过客房窗口散发色彩斑斓的灯光 (宾客可自由选择其房间窗户的灯光颜色)。hotel G的110间客房均宽畅舒适,平均面积在60平方米以上,共分为4种房型。设计师选用柔和的蓝色、灰色为基调,巧妙地搭配亮丽的色彩,在神秘的基调中融入了活泼的元素。

而在餐饮及娱乐方面,北京Hotel G里开设有两家别具特色的餐厅和酒吧,吸引城中的「时尚潮流族群。与Hotel G酒店大堂连成一气的Scarlett红酒吧及餐厅,为北京城中精英聚首共享优质时刻的最佳场所。收藏了多种特色精选红白葡萄酒。每日提供厨师推荐菜色、各类冷盘,丰富多样的芝士自助式餐台及新鲜沙拉。

Hotel G Beijing is the first of an exclusive boutique hotel brand launched by Hong Kong-based real estate private equity management firm Gaw Capital-and a model to be rolled out in selected cities of China and throughout Asia.Inspired by the retro chic of the 1960's, Hotel G is targeting a niche market of design-conscious, sophisticated young professionals, entrepreneurs, celebrities and socialites.

With a striking entrance and faade which transforms into an explosion of colored lights by night (hotel guests can actually select their own window lighting). Hotel G's 110 rooms are all generous in scale.The designer has designed in muted blues and grays highlighted with lacquered color and abstract traditional Chinese details in the modern furnishings.

For dining and entertainment,Hotel G offers two distinctly different venues to attract the capital's "smart set".Scarlett-Wine Bar&Restaurant,the latest meeting point for young executives who like to have fun and chill out. Scarlett boasts a fine selection of wines along with tapas,daily specials,cold cuts and showcasing a large variety of cheeses.