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【摘要】 目的 分析维持性非卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者和维持性血液透析(HD)患者的血清胱抑素-C(Cys-C)水平,比较不同透析方式对Cys-C的影响;并进一步探讨Cys-C与血肌酐(Scr)的相关性,探索判断残存肾功能的新型标志物。 方法 选取肾内科病情稳定的CAPD患者160例归为腹膜透析组,病情稳定的HD患者80例归为血液透析组。两组患者每1~3个月抽血一次,采用胶乳凝聚法检测血清Cys-C浓度,采用苦味酸法测定血清Scr,比较两组患者的Cys-C、Scr水平,并分析两指标的相关性。结果 腹膜透析组血清Scr、Cys-C水平均显著高于血液透析组(P<0.01),两个指标的比值进一步比较,腹膜透析组仍高于血液透析组(P<0.05)。对腹膜透析组、血液透析组及两组合并行Pearson相关分析,发现Scr和Cys-C呈线性正相关(P<0.01)。进一步行简单线性回归,回归方程估计为:Scr=389.93+98.49Cys-C。结论 腹膜透析对终末期肾脏病(ESRD)患者Cys-C的清除能力低于血液透析;Cys-C可作为判断维持透析的ESRD患者残存肾功能的新型标志物。

【关键词】 终末期肾脏病;维持性非卧床腹膜透析;血液透析;胱抑素-C;肌酐


中图分类号:R 459.5 文献标识码:A


Analysis of the correlation between levels of Cystatin-C and Creatinine

in ESRD patients maintaining dialysis

TANG Xingming,GUAN Xiaodong,WEI Liping, ZHU Xuehai

(Department of Nephrology,the Affiliated Tung Wah Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen

University, Dongguan 523110,Guangdong, China)

【Abstract】 Objective To analyze levels of Cystatin-C in CAPD(Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis)patients and HD(Hemodialysis)patients and to compare the effects of different dialysis means on Cystatin-C.Further investigation of the correlation between Cystatin-C and Creatinine was made to explore the new marker of residual renal function.

Methods 160 CAPD patients in stable condition were observed as the Peritoneal Dialysis Group.80 HD patients in stable condition were selected as the HD Group.Blood drawing was carried out every 1 to 3 months for both two groups patients.Density of Cystatin-C was detected by latex condensed method while Creatinine by picric acid method.Levels of Cystatin-C and Creatinine were compared and analyzed.

Results The Peritoneal Dialysis Group had higher levels of Cystatin-C and Creatinine than the HD Group(P<0.01).Further comparison showed that the Peritoneal Dialysis Group did have higher levels (P<0.05).Analysis was given to the two groups and Pearson analysis was given to the combination of these two groups.The analysis showed that the level of Cystatin-C was positively linear correlated with Creatinine and the linear regression formula was Scr=389.93+98.49Cys.

Conclusion Peritoneal dialysis has lower ablility for eliminating Cystatin-C in ESRD patients than hemodialysis.Cystatin-C can be used as a new marker of residual renal function.

【Key words】 End Stage Renal Disease;Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis;Hemodialysis;Cystatin-C;Creatinine