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Global war on antibiotics

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Now, veterinary antibiotics abuse is like a runaway train. "Combat drug resistance: No action today means no cure tomorrow "--is the theme of World Health Day in 2011. In fact, the medical circle has long been aware of the spread of drug-resistant bacteria caused by antibiotic abuse in breeding industry. As early as in 1970, the US FDA already set up a task force to investigate the relationship between antimicrobial resistance and breeding industry. However, due to regulatory, institutional, and practical concerns, the use of veterinary antibiotics remains a major problem in most countries.

Strict rules are necessary

At present, all countries have strict provisions on the use of veterinary antibiotics. WHO also established a Prudent Use of Antibiotics Alliance formed by more than 90 countries to combat antibiotic feed danger. Keeve Nachman at Johns Hopkins University said in an interview with the New York Times that the prohibition of antibiotics for the prevention of animal diseases might be an important way to address the abuse of antibiotics.

Sweden is the first country to partially prohibit AGP in animal feed (antibiotic growth agents). And in 1996, it began to prohibit the use of antibiotics growth agent in pig feed in the hope to provide consumers with "natural pork". In 2000, the Denmark Government prescribed that Danish farmers must hold veterinary prescription to purchase veterinary antibiotics. Since January, 2006, all EU Members have had a total ban on animal use of antibiotics feed additives to promote growth. It is reported that in 1991, ROK began to monitor antibiotic residues in meat products. If the residue exceeds the safety standard, the product is prohibited in the market. Since 2005, the ROK Government has gradually reduced the number and types of allowable antibiotic drugs. In 2011, it issued mandatory policies prohibiting the use of antibiotics in animal feed. In 2008, Japan also made mandatory policies prohibiting the use of antibiotics in animal feed.

In US medical circle, there is a saying: " It is easier to buy a gun than antibiotics." In order to avoid the abuse of antibiotics, US set up a national monitor system for antibiotic resistance, and if resistance is detected, corresponding regulation would be implemented to prohibit the use. If antibiotic producers can't prove the safety of their products, the non-therapeutic use of drugs licenses will be revoked. Since 2010, US FDA has called for a progressive phasing out of the use of the antibiotics with "important medical uses" in animal husbandry. It issued industry guidance documents to strengthen the management of antibiotic use. In 2013 it published the Veterinary Feed Directive, requiring licensed veterinaries to supervise the use of antibiotics, and farmers who wanted to buy antibiotics should first obtain veterinary prescriptions. Animal pharmaceutical companies must indicate on the packaging paper that the antibiotics can only by used under veterinary supervision. Although it's only a voluntary regulation, Dr. Richard Carnevale, the vice-president for regulatory, scientific and international affairs of the Animal Health Institute (AHI), an animal pharmaceutical industry trade association, said, "If the animal pharmaceutical companies did not take actions within a specified period, FDA will take enforcement measures."

On the use of antibiotics in feed, China also has strict rules that only a small amount of antibiotics can be used as growth-promoting agents in feed, and made strict regulations on the sorts, dose and withdrawal period on the use of antibiotics for different physiological stages of different animals. As early as in 1002, China released List of Veterinary Drugs Prohibited from Use in Animal Food in Feed and Drinking Water and The Maximum Residue Limits of Veterinary Drugs in Animal Derived Food. In 2005, China issued No. 560 Catalogue of Local Standards of Prohibited Veterinary Drugs, 29 kinds of antibiotics were listed as prohibited veterinary drugs. China also clamped down on and investigated illegal drug use in animal production. In 2010, China further regulated the use of feed additives, promulgated the Usage Prescription of Feed Drug Additives. In 2013, due to the concern of food safety, Ministry of Agriculture of China made it clear that it was planning to issue a total ban on antibiotics in animal feed.

Measures to be taken

Since antibiotics exhibited resistance, the progressive actions to strengthen management of antibiotic use in all countries have never stopped. Professor Dame Sally Davies, United Kingdom Government Chief Medical Officer, said that a United Nations treaty should be made to prohibit the use of antibiotics in food production.

"In animal husbandry, the rational supply of antibiotics and accurate use of antibiotics by trained veterinary professionals are important for the health and welfare of hundreds of thousands of livestock. Dr. Steve Dunham, Associate Professor of Veterinary Virology at University of Nottingham, said that the abuse of antibiotics should be stopped from the root, veterinary professional standards should be raised, and the use of medicines should be rational.

United States Food and Drug Administration requires that the use of antibiotics in breeding industry should be subject to veterinary supervision. In addition, given, pharmaceutical companies which produce antibiotics should re-design the label within 90 days, and identify that antibiotic can only be used under the supervision of veterinarians, and can only be used for therapeutic purposes.

Some countries make special efforts on safety standards. Denmark is one of a few countries in the world which enjoy food safety. According to the International Herald Tribune, one of the famous dairy producers in Denmark-ARLA Dairy Company, conducts antibiotics test on raw milk every Thursday, and if the antibiotics is excessive, in addition to lower milk prices, the ranch will also be fined and included in a list of special concern in the next 12 months. In severe cases, they will be kicked off from the famous "Garden of ARLA" quality management system.

Many experts called for integrating social forces to jointly fight against antibiotic feed problems. They maintain that diagnosis and treatment of antibiotics problems should not be a single sector's responsibility, and efforts must be made from the source of managing antibiotic production to constantly perfect related regulations on various drugs and chemical synthesis feed additives, improve the products quality of antibiotics through science publicity, special lectures and so on, conduct training to raise public's risk consciousness, and reduced antibiotics abuse. Only by taking various measures, can we truly curb antibiotics abuse, guarantee food security and help consumers select products rationally.

Develop and promote alternatives of antibiotics

In recent years, many experts and scholars actively worked on alternatives to replace antibiotics in order to help people to eat safe food. It is reported that substitutes for antibiotics like the feed enzyme preparation, feed microbial preparation, acidifying agent, antimicrobial peptides, oligosaccharides, garlic, herbs and organic metal trace elements have been developed.

"Experts have found that we can use honeysuckle, fructus forsythiae, foliumisatidis, burdock roots, purslane, houttuynia herbs to replace antibiotics." Experts believe that after adding the Chinese herbal medicine feed additives, the quantity and composition of a majority of intestinal bacteria can be changed significantly, and the growth of pathogens under most conditions can be effectively inhibited." And Chinese herbal medicine additives in animal can dissolve after exerting effect, and no toxicity or residues remains."

In addition, according to Xinhua net, China has "developed and produced a new healthy animal feed additive to substitute antibiotic --low poly-isomaltose, which can help rectify animal abuse, improve the quality of animal feed and animal food safety."

In addition, researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture found that lysozyme was effective antibiotics which could enhance gastrointestinal health, and improve the growth of pigs as a possible antibiotic alternative.

The development of alternatives of antibiotics (such as probiotics and oligosaccharides, antibacterial peptide, etc.) injects new energy to animal husbandry. However, the overall use and promotion of substitutes for antibiotics still has a long way to go. Qi Guanghai, Deputy Director of Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences believes that for now, using a single product to replace antibiotics is very difficult. The comprehensive and integrated innovation technology may be a more realistic option.


Till now, although farmers and practitioners are limited by strict regulations, due to the uneven make-up of the breeding team in all counties including farmers, small enterprise, and large and medium farming enterprises, there is a big trouble for security regulation. In addition, many farmers are limited by their personal quality and short of social responsibilities, and there are various temptations for the farmers. The use of antibiotics remains to be a tricky problem facing the world.

There's an old saying in China:"Extremes meet". The era of overusing antibiotics feed has come to an end. But after years of feeding antibiotics, will farmers suddenly be "stranded"? It is the era of economic development and complex period of the ephemeral nature of life. Society progresses, while interests differentiate. Facing "Three-winged chicken" and "Five-legged pig", we are confused all of sudden. Whether "the greater self" like a company, or "the smaller self" like an individual has no intention of destroying the harmonious life as a sinner to be "Condemned by history". Everyone wants to use "kindness, compassion and conscience" to illuminate the road ahead, honestly labor to help others while growing up by enjoying the fruits of others' labor. Perhaps the antibiotic abuse is yet to be settled when scientists around the world continue to launch new researches and regulation systems. However, our immortal conscience should be one of the solutions.