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Nasdaq cfo Lee Shavel

The complexity of U.S. stock-market structure is the “biggest obstacle” to ensuring systems run without failing, Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. Chief Financial Offi cer Lee Shavel said. Shavel said that the complicated nature of modern markets, together with competi ti on between parti cipants, makes it hard to achieve technological uniformity and create the certainty that would prevent outages such as the one that occurred on Aug. 22, when Nasdaq-listed stocks halted trading for three hours. In his comments, Shavel minimized the role that the technology breakdown played in the length of the halt.“The delay in restarti ng trading was not a technology issue, it was driven by the fact that we wanted to make certain that all of the market parti cipants, the exchange, the member fi rms were ready for that restart,” he said.

纳斯达克-OMX集团CFO李·沙维尔(Lee Shavel)指出,“美国股市结构的复杂性成为系统无法避免运行失败的‘最大障碍’。”沙维尔解释说,现代市场的复杂性, 加上参与者之间的竞争,使技术的统一性和创建确定性以防止如8月22日停摆事件难以实现,当时纳斯达克上市股票暂停交易达三个小时。在沙维尔的评论中,技术故障在该次事件中的角色被极度减弱。“推迟重启交易并不是一个技术问题,我们要确保所有的市场参与者、交易员及上市公司都做好重启的准备。”

Covance CFO Alison Cornell

For Covance, a strategic partnership must be a relati onship that lasts “greater than fi ve years,” involves a transfer of people or assets. As CROs and sponsors look to further hash out how to share the risks of the drug development process between them, Cornell seemed hesitant of the idea. “Covance doesn’t enter into risk sharing arrangements.”She said, adding, “It’s more like risk shift ing than risk sharing. But on a limited basis, where “we have control of the outcome, we will take on some risk,” As long as a third party or the sponsor does not have any control of the risk. Covance has been involved in risksharing deals in “a very limited extent,” She added.

科文斯是全球最大、最全面的药物开发公司之一。CFO Alison Cornell表示,科文斯对于战略伙伴关系的定义非常宽泛,“对于Covance来说,战略伙伴关系必须是持续五年以上的关系,并涉及人员派遣或资产转移。”在谈到合同研究组织(CRO)和赞助商之间如何分摊药物开发过程中的风险时,Cornell有些犹豫,“Covance不会制定这方面的安排,我们希望更多的是风险转移而不是风险分担。在有限的基础上,只要第三方或赞助商没有风险控制权,我们就会控制产出,同时承担一些风险。Covance只在极有限的范围内参与涉及风险分担的交易。”

TD Bank CFO Stephen J. Boyle

TD Bank is content with its branch network along the East Coast and, for now, is not interested in deals that would take it into new markets, according to its chief fi nancial offi cer. CFO Steve Boyle said that while low interest rates are a threat to branch profi tability, branches remain valuable because they bring in not just deposits, but customers who potenti ally need a range of products and services."We used to be focused on [deposit] balances, but now our focus is on the number of customers and how we are going to sell them products," Boyle said.

加拿大第二大银行多伦多道明银行目前对于沿美国东海岸的分支网络很满意,而无意进军新的市场。据CFO Steve Boyle介绍,虽然低利率对分支的盈利是一种威胁,但分支机构吸收的不仅是存款,还有对一系列产品和服务有潜在需求的客户。因此,仍能保持盈利。“过去,我们专注于(存款)余额,但现在我们的重点是顾客数量和以及如何向他们销售产品。”