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Mr.Knightley liked being comfortable, so when he got into a train, he used to put his suitcase on the seat be- side him and pretend that it belonged to another passenger who had gone to buy something inthe station.

One day he did this when the train was very crowded. Other passengers came and sat in all the other seats except the one which his suitcase was lying on. Then an old gentleman arrived, looked at Mr. Knightley's case and said, "Is this somebody's seat?"

"Yes," answered Mr. Knightley. "A friend of mine is traveling with me, and he has gone to buy some cigarettes. He will return soon." Mr.Knightley opened the window and looked out, to make the old gentleman think that he was anxious about his friend.

"All right," said the old gentleman, "I'll sit here until your friend comes back, and then I'll stand somewhere." He put the suitcase up above him and sat down.Mr. Knightley did not feel happy about this, but he wasn't able to say or to do anything, because all the other passengers were watching and listening.

Several minutes passed,the whistle blew,and the train began to move.Then the old gentleman jumped up suddenly and said, "I'm very sorry, but your friend seems to have missed the train. We don't want him to be separated from his suitcase, do we? I don't believe he would like that at all." And before Mr. Knightley was able to say or do anything to prevent him, he took the suitcase down and threw it out of the window.




