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Saving Garbage “保存”垃圾

How much trash does one person produce in a week? How about in a year? Brennan Bird, 23, decided to find out. In 2010, as a student at the University of California, Davis, he saved all of his non-biodegradable1) garbage for an entire year―in his room.

Watching more than 200 pounds of bottles, cans, and other trash pile up led him to make some big lifestyle changes. "It really made me face the impact of my daily decisions," Brennan says.

He now carries a reusable cup everywhere for drinks and cloth bags for buying fruits and vegetables. He buys foods like cereal and rice in bulk2) at a food co-op, filling his own containers.

"If we change the way we live, it can have a profound effect on the world," Brennan says.

Brennan also experiments with other ways to reuse trash―such as building a bench using "bricks" made of discarded3) plastic bottles.

"I'll never look at trash the same way again," Brennan says.







Green Machines 绿色校车

   There are almost half a million school buses on U.S. roads. Can the air pollution they emit be cut?

Jonny Cohen is working on it. A sophomore from Highland Park High School in Highland Park, Illinois, he is the inventor of Green-Shields. One of these thin, clear plexiglass4) shields, placed over the front of a bus, makes the vehicle more aerodynamic5), Jonny says. This means the bus will burn less fuel and emit fewer gas fumes into the air―up to 20 percent less, Jonny found in a recent test.

So far, Jonny, 15, has received, in total, $26,000 in grants from Youth Venture6) and the Pepsi Refresh Project7) to help him develop his idea. He was a finalist for the 2011 Prudential Spirit of Community Award8) as well.

With the help of a team of volunteers, Jonny hopes to finish the prototype of his shield this summer. He is working with the Illinois Department of Transportation to get GreenShields approved for use on school buses.

To other young people with ideas he says, "You really have to stand up and be the change. You can't wait for it to happen."






A City Garden 城市园圃

In 2007, gardens were hard to come by on the East Side of San Antonio, Texas. So were places to get fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

Diana Lopez and other community members decided to change that. They started by converting an abandoned lot filled with trash into a vibrant9) organic garden full of produce.

"It took a lot of research on my part," says Diana, 22, who is employed by the Southwest Workers Union, an organization of low-income workers and families in San Antonio.

She had to learn how to till10) soil and choose the plants and foods that would grow best in the garden.

Today the project has expanded to cover four lots, growing a host of fruits and vegetables. It also teaches young people about gardening and nature. "It's important to get your clothes and your hands dirty," Diana says. "It's all for good, to revitalize our Mother Earth."






Reducing E-Waste 减少电子垃圾

One day, Sachin Rudraraju, 16, noticed two old computers left out beside a trash can in his Powell, Ohio, neighborhood.

"That's where I saw the problem," says the junior at Olentangy Liberty High School―the problem of how to dispose of11) old electronics.

Americans got rid of about 2.3 million tons of computers and other electronics in 2007, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Only 18 percent of it was recycled. Most of the rest went to landfills, where toxins12) such as mercury13) and lead can leak out into the water and air.

In 2008, Sachin founded the Community Recycling Campaign. He and other volunteers have gone door-to-door educating people about recycling electronics. The group has also collected hundreds of computers and computer products―refurbishing14) what they can and properly recycling the rest.

"I think the campaign inspired people," says Sachin, who was also a Prudential Spirit of Community Award finalist. "People understand that it's an important cause."






Lobbying15) for Change


In Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, where Freya Chay lives, renewable energy like wind and solar power is an important topic.

"In Alaska, we have a really big oil and natural gas industry," says the 16-year-old sophomore at Kenai Central High School. But oil and gas pollute the air and water, and there is a limited amount of both, Freya notes. "For me, alternative energy is a way we can get energy without hurting the environment."

Starting with her hometown and working her way to the state capital of Juneau, Freya lobbied officials to pass a state law that encourages the use of alternative energy systems in homes. The law exempts16) some homeowners who install such systems from higher property taxes. This accomplishment won her a 2010 Brower Youth Award for environmental activism.

But Freya is still at work, convincing municipalities17) to enact the law. "It's still a process," she says. "But I feel like [the outcome] is pretty promising18)."



