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Inquiry into the Teaching Strategies and Methods on Oral English for University

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【Abstract】 This article intends to discuss teaching strategies and methods on oral english for university students. It lists the reasons for the difficulties in oral English teaching and learning process and provides some ways for us to solve the problems.

【Key words】 teaching strategies and methods language environment pronunciation oral English

teaching modes activities

1. The Reasons for the Difficulties in Oral English Teaching and Learning Process

1.1 Practice in Teaching

Enough courses can’t be provided for students to speak. Most courses are used in reading listening, and oral English are not emphasized. Some English teachers’ poor oral English may be another reason.

1.2 Language environment

Most English teachers use Chinese instead of English to teach students and lack of chances to speak English leads to the poor English learning environment for students.

1.3 The psychology of university students

On the one hand, students are lack of confidence. On the other hand, they regard oral English as burden rather than an interest.

1.4 The traditional teaching pattern of English

Traditional teaching pattern put emphasis on language structure, grammar and reading comprehension etc. Oral English has been overlooked or even neglected.

1.5 Pronunciation problem

(1) Different dialects in Chinese may make the speakers’ English full of dialects.

(2) Accents

(3) Some pronunciations are not included in Chinese pronunciation system or different ways to pronounce a syllable between different countries.

Most English learners who start to learn English find that /th/ is very hard and strange to pronounce.

2. Ways provided to solve the problems that occur in university oral English teaching

2.1 Oral English teacher should create a kind of English environment in class.

2.2 Provide students with as much background knowledge as possible.

2.3 Pay attention to the art of error correction.

2.4 Appreciation is better than criticism.

2.5 Adopt more modes to start oral English teaching.

(1) Exploit every chance to use English in class.

(2) Organizing different kinds of class activities.

(3) Organizing drama by students themselves.

(4) Activities outside class.

(5) Make full use of joyful games.

2.6 Activities

(1) Competition activities.

(2) Recreational activities

(3) Cooperative activities

3. Conclusion

With the globalization and China’s open to the outside world, English especially oral English has played an important part in our life. Therefore, teachers are responsible for seeking good methods to make students learn oral English well and this can help them to use oral English in their work in the near future.


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