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Achievement of Chinese Dream and Chinese Spirit of the Age Going out

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Chinese dream is a spiritual power to achieve the Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation. In the process of Great Renaissance, we create the great spirit of Chinese nation. With the development of economy prosperity, China has become the second largest economic power in the world. The Chinese nation is undergoing the course of Great Renaissance of Chinese dream . The process of the evolution of Chinese dream is the cultivating process of Chinese spirit of the age. That is the evolution of Chinese dream and the creation of Chinese spirit of the age.In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to continue to carry forward the fine tradition of the Chinese Communist Party, continue to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the times in China, and to practice a strong management team. The effect of the spirit of age in the process of implementation of Chinese dream is obvious. To realize Chinese dream needs the whole world recognize Chinese spirit of the age, and realization of Chinese dream also needs the construction of socialist cultural power point of view, it is easy to realize the significance of constructing the strong country of socialistic culture in realization of Chinese dream. This thesis takes Daqing as an example to illustrate the significance of Chinese spirit of age going out . It point out:background of Daqing spirit going out ; Possibility the Spirit of Daqing going out ; Effective way of the Spirit of Daqing going out; Significance of the Spirit of Daqing going out . In this way, Chinese culture can be accepted by the whole world and eventually achieve the renaissance of the Chinese dream of Chinese nation.

Key words: Chinese dream; Spirit of the age; Great renaissance; Going out


The general secretary Xi Jinping has ever pointed out: The realization of the Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times. This dream, gathering a cherished wish of the Chinese people of several generations and reflecting the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, is the common wish of every Chinese. Chinese dream has become an idiom, which can reflect the prosperity as well as the national revival of China, which can also let China face the world as well as highlight the charm of the nation. Chinese dream is a spiritual power to achieve the Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation. In the process of Great Renaissance, we create the great spirit of Chinese nation. The inheritance as well as world-wide recognition of the great spirit of the Chinese nation will surely play an active role in achieving the dream of Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation.


With the development of economy prosperity, China has become the second largest economic power in the world. The increasing number of domestic foreign experts and scholars are beginning to pay attention to the political, economic, cultural and social development in China. The Chinese nation is undergoing the course of Great Renaissance of Chinese dream. The process of the evolution of Chinese dream is the cultivating process of Chinese spirit of the age.

The history of the Chinese nation is the history of achievements of chinese dream , and also the formation of the spirit of the times of China’s history. In the second half of the 20th century, as the development of the industrialization, urbanization and modernization, China is out of poverty and extreme backwardness. The chinese are working together to build a well-off society and realize Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation. China’s share of world total GDP reached 10.48% till 2011, China has become a world economic power, which has laid the foundation of Chinese dream in the 21st century. With the arrival of 21st century, the CPC Central Committee puts forward the great Chinese “trilogy”: The first episode, with 20 years to 100 years after the establishment of the Communist Party, we will build a well-off society. The 18th CPC National Congress designs the “five in one” target system of economic, political, cultural, social construction and the construction of ecological civilization around this core objective system. The second episode, we will spend 30 more years, till the 100 anniversary of the founding of new China, realizing the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. The third episode, in the 21st century, we will achieve Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation step by step. This is the building process of Chinese dream . With the advancement of history, this has also become the implementation process.

The Chinese civilization had made a great contribution to the development and advancement of the world civilization. However, the decay of the feudal ruling system has always been in the backward state in the modern development of China. There is no doubt that lagging, the opium war of 1840, China gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. From this period the Chinese nation suffered humiliation and Chinese dream suffered a fatal blow. The Chinese nation is a great nation. Along with the western power continuous intrusion, the national consciousness and national spirit of the Chinese nation are awaken; Great Renaissance of the Chinese dream began to rise. Communist Party of China led the great Chinese people defy hardships, not be afraid of blood sacrifice for the liberation of the Chinese nation. In the great struggle for national liberation, the spirit of Jinggangshan, long March, and Yan’an spirit were formed; this is the first movement of the evolution of Chinese dream . In 1949, the President Mao Zedong solemnly declared on Tiananmen: “People’s Republic of China and Central People’s Government is established today!”. Chinese dream opened a new chapter of economic development of new China. The people became masters in China, striving to build a modern socialist country. All people work hard to achieve the aim of national prosperity and common prosperity of the Chinese people. This is a great period of economic construction, and in this period, the great spirit of the age of plain living and hard struggle, scientific truth-seeking and dedication were formed which are represented by Daqing spirit. The Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party started from scratch and make unremitting efforts to build a complete industrial system and national economic system, and made great breakthrough in the field of national defense construction and high-tech. The spirit of the times was comprehensively promoted by the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense and science and technology, and its development was marked by the “atomic and hydrogen bombs and man- made satellites” spirit. The evolution process of Chinese dream does not go out smoothly, the Great Leap Forward and the Great Cultural Revolution both had an impact on economic construction. But since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th central Committee of the Chinese Communist party, Comrade Deng Xiaoping adheres to and develops Mao Zedong thought, timely correct the errors. In China ’s new economic construction requirements, we began the socialist cause with Chinese characters, and the spirit of reform and opening up was developed. This is a new era of history. China has changed, and the productive force is greatly liberated. The rapid development of China’s economy created remarkable miracles in China. Facing problems in China’s economic construction, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “Stereotyping other countries experience and traditions will never be able to achieve success. We have had a lot of lessons in this respect. Putting the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice in China together, following our own road and building socialism with Chinese characters are the basic conclusions that we summarize from the historical experience. From now on, “Socialism with Chinese characters” became the theme of the Congress. It also became the great goal which the Communist Party of China wants to realize. The overall layout of the Socialist construction with Chinese characters is developed from the economic, political and cultural construction of Trinity development to four-in-one, to the development of economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction, five-in-one. This is the new meaning of Chinese dream and the glory road of the socialism with Chinese characters. China formed a most distinctive of the Socialist construction with Chinese characters and China's experience, and also formed a unique road of China. This has taken a further step to Great Renaissance of Chinese dream .


“More than any time in history, we are closer to the goal of Great Renaissance of the Chinese nation, and we are more confident than any time in history and have the capacity to achieve this goal.” To achieve the Chinese dream , the Chinese nation will spend the second 100 years. Treating the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee party as a starting point, China embarked on a socialist road with Chinese characters. Then, the CPC will achieve two 100-year goals: After the establishment of the Communist Party for 100 years, we will build a well-off society. After the establishment of the new China for 100 years, we will develop a prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced and harmonious modern socialist country. This is not only the dream of renaissance of the Chinese nation, but also the essence of Chinese dream .

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to continue to carry forward the fine tradition of the Communist Party of China, continue to inherit and carry forward the spirit of age in China, and to practice a strong management team. As the General Secretary Xi Jinping points out: “We had better build up our own strength”; “People’s longing for a better life is our goal.” To achieve Chinese dream , Communist Party of China must treat the national renaissance as our own responsibility, shoulder up the responsibility of national prosperity and also carry forward the great spirit of China. Let Jinggangshan spirit, long march spirit., Yan’an spirit, Daqing spirit, “atomic and hydrogen bombs and man- made satellites” spirit, Lei Feng spirit and reform and opening-up sprite, enhance socialist human rights awareness, establish the human rights awareness based on Marx’s theory, stress the relationship between the people and society, stress the importance of realistic spirit, reform innovation spirit, people oriented spirit and hard work spirit. This is the core spirit of the times of the Chinese Communist Party, and it is also the great spiritual power which advances the cause of socialism with Chinese characters. This spirit can also guarantee the realization of the human rights. In the 90 years of struggle course led by the Communist Party, especially the achievements in 30 years of reform and opening-up, the Communist Party of China build up a socialist society with Chinese characters, and its development speed has shocked the world. This is the role of the spirit of the times, it plays in the process of national prosperity, exploring the essence of the spirit of the times, and also it based on economic development and national renaissance. In order to realize the great renaissance, achieve the aim of the prosperity of the whole nation and put the essence of the times into the progress of the times, we will continue to explore the spirit of the times in motivating people, inspiring people to fight against the difficulties, digging deeper into the spirit of the times embodied the essence of the spirits of the Chinese Communist Party. We must have confirmed communist political beliefs and ideals, the keen sight, the creation of the world of extraordinary courage and great spirits of innovation. In the great course of national groups of people with Chinese characters in the leadership of our party in socialist construction, dynamism plays an indispensable part in it. This is the great spirit of Chinese Communist; it is also the spirit of age which contributes to prosperity. These spirits play positive roles in different periods since the founding of new China and its construction period, and in the new historical period of building socialism with Chinese characters. They will also become the guidance of the nation and the important component of enhancing the spiritual realm.


In the situation of globalization today, no nation development could escape from the big environment. The renaissance of Chinese nation is the revival of the great spirit of Chinese nation. This situation must be faced up with the challenges from the United States’ culture, European culture and East Asia culture (that is the industrial East Asia). How to show the great spirits of Chinese in this diversified cultural backgrounds, that is the great spirit of times of China, how to let the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party communicate with the diverse cultures of the world, and how to spread the Chinese culture into the whole world is the key content which will be further discussed.

The historical contributions which the 18th CPC National Congress made are putting forward an action subject enhancing cohesion and reflecting public opinion. We will make Marx and Lenin, Mao Zedong’s thought, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, the important thought of “Three Represents”, the scientific outlook on the development as the guiding ideologies, adhere to the road of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characters and struggle to build a comparatively well-off society. This is the road of renaissance of Chinese nation and is also the road of national rise. The revival and the rise of the nation must get the global communication and identity. In order to achieve the great spirit of the Chinese nation of the international recognition, we had better carry out the work as follows:

First, explore the value of the spirit of the age, seek out the functions and achievements it has in the Chinese socialist development and construction and interpret the indispensable effects which the Jinggangshan spirit, Long March spirit, Yan’an spirit, Daqing spirit. “atomic and hydrogen bombs and man-made satellites” spirit, the spirit of Lei Feng, the Communist Party of China reform and opening-up spirit have in the Chinese socialist development and construction.

Second, find the meeting point between Chinese spirit of the times and the modern world civilization, let the Chinese spirit of the times get the world recognition, form the “Chinese Road”, “ Chinese Story”, “Chinese miracle”, interpret the inner meaning of the spirit of the times and represent the vitality of world identity.

Third, let the voice of Chinese pass across the world. Under the background of the globalization, China has become the important part of world civilization communication, global ethics and humanistic spirit. We should let the Chinese spirit go out, make an equal dialogue between the Chinese discourse and Western discourse, walk on the road of socialism with Chinese characters and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


“Culture is the stem of the people, it is the spiritual home of the people. In order to build a well-off society completely and realize the great recovery of China, we must promote the development and booming of the socialistic culture, lead new tide of constructing the socialistic culture, improve the country’s soft strength of culture, and play the role of culture in leading the trend, educating the people, serving the society and promoting the development.” The 18th CPC National Congress pointed. Out “We should carry forward the spirit of the people and time vigorously, to enrich the spiritual world and enhance the spiritual power of the people.” “Impel to construct the strong country of socialistic cultural homeland.”The 18th CPC National Congress put forward the whole arrangement of distinct Chinese characteristic socialism―five in one, stress the relationship between developing harmoniously and promoting mutually among politics, economy, culture, society and ecological construction in building a well-off society, so constructing strong socialistic country is a key element in reaching the general goal of building a well-off society completely. To construct the people’s culture towards the world, we must think about the question of how to let the spirit of the nation go out and be accepted by the world, which is also the effective way of constructing the strong country of socialistic culture.

When explaining the goal of constructing a well-off society completely and deepening the reform and opening-up, the report of the 18th CPC National Congress points out: the soft power of culture enhances obviously. The core value system of socialism penetrates deeply into people’s mind, and inner quality of the people and the degree of social civilization improves obviously. With cultural products becoming more various, the system of public culture constructed basically, and the culture industry became one of the cornerstone industries of national economy, Chinese culture makes a big step toward going out and the foundation of constructing the strong country of socialistic culture becomes more firm and substantial .It can be seen that cultural construction is the foundation of constructing a well-off society completely, the bridge of realizing China’s great recovery, the spiritual core of realizing the distinct Chinese-characteristic socialism, and the only way of making the national culture goes out and is accepted by the world.


Communique of the Sixth Plenum of the 17th CPC Central Committee pointed out that the final goal of insisting on the developing road of distinct Chinese characteristic socialism culture is to construct a strong country of socialistic culture. The so-called developing road of distinct Chinese characteristic socialism culture is the way of constructing developed culture, scientific development, strengthening the base, orienting on people, reform and innovation. Comrade Hu Jintao stressed to promote the firm construction of the strong country of socialistic culture in the report of the 18th CPC National Congress. “Culture is the stem of the people, it is the spiritual home of the people. To construct a well-off society completely and realize the Chinese national recovery, we must promote the great development and booming of socialistic culture,” pointed out by Hu Jintao.

After the Communist Party of China’s Communique of the Sixth Plenum of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the study of inner country on the developing road of distinct Chinese characteristic culture and constructing the strong country of socialistic culture deepens gradually. The important decision under the background of globalization aims at further enhancing our national soft strength of culture in the world’s competition of integrated power of a nation. When faced with the deep development of globalization, how to enhance the national soft power of culture and face the challenge of to the Chinese culture from the development of globalization, have already become the important issues of the national construction of socialistic culture.


6.1 Background of Daqing’s Going out Spirit

National culture going out is a kind of cultural developing strategy with the voice of “bringing in” after the opening-up of China because of reform and opening-up. With the coming of reform and opening-up and the opening-up of spiritual world which is locked for years, ordinary people of China begin to see the outside world and have a new mind, learning to accept the advanced culture of the world; but there appears a new problem in this period that more and more people begin to admire the western thoughts, especially affected by the “discard the old four, begin the new ones” in the ten-year chaos. Many people admire the western culture completely, regardless of the Chinese traditional good virtue. Having experienced a long-time reverse, people begin to pay attention to the transition of Chinese traditional culture, but there still exists some problems in the recognition and acceptance of it and the acceptance, broadcast of the time spirit, especially the time spirit of China has not truly been out and recognized by the world.

However, more and more people begin to pay attention to the transition of culture and have been making efforts for the going out of Chinese culture. At present, the way of Chinese culture’s “going-out” is various and the content of it is rich. Great achievements have been gained from the “going-out” of traditional culture and culture of the minorities to the foreign sale of various cultural products and the international recognition of literary and artistic works. The winning of Nobel Literary Prize of Mr. Mo Yan in 2012 is a proof of the recognition and acceptance of Chinese culture by the world because of the increasing of national power. But the present exporting of culture neglects the modern national spirit which made great contribution to the foundation of the republic.

As one of the seven spirits of Chinese Communist, Daqing spirit plays an important role in the great Daqing petroleum battle which made Chinese petroleum enough, in the process of construction of Daqing which is based on petroleum, and in the transition of Daqing and the city’s spiritual culture’s construction. We can say that the spirit of Daqing is the historical of national spirit in the beginning of the construction of the republic without any exaggeration. “Patriotic, pioneering, realistic approach, and dedication” is not only spiritual rule of a certain period, but also the core concept of a nation and people’s development. Daqing has been practicing the venerable state of human spirit but has not gone out, so it can be seen that it is the duty-bound responsibility of the new generation to let the national spirit go out which reflects the Chinese beautiful virtue.

Putting forward going out of the Spirit of Daqing in the great background suits the strategic thought of “five in one”, and is the only way to realize the great renaissance of the Chinese nation.

6.2 Possibility of the Spirit of Daqing’s Going out

The definition of “nation” by Stalin is that “Nation is a solid foundation of common language, common area, common economical life and common mental quality which reflects on common culture on the base of the history”. This proves that national culture has unique features and is a phenomenon which is close to the native language, area and economical life. However, nowadays investigation on the national culture’s going out ensures that the national fits the world and to reflect the recognition and self-confidence of culture is practical.

The Spirit of Daqing is a national spirit of a certain period in the foundation of new China, which creates a new era that China, is no longer short of petroleum and makes a petroleum city―Daqing. People of Daqing just made great achievements, by this spirit the excavation of the spirit, we can easily realize the necessary quality of human development involved which is irrelevant to politics, area and time, but is the reflection of human’s good virtue. Therefore, the general excavation of the spirit is the only way of going out of the national spirit and makes it possible to let the world recognize the national spirit.

The spiritual connotation of the Spirit of Daqing “patriotic, pioneering, realistic approach, and dedication” is admirable quality of human, a company’s quality and also a spirit of human civilization and the core thought of the foundation of Daqing spirit. To build the modern and international Daqing, we should construct the culture which suits the need of modernization and internationalization. How can we make Daqing the famous city of international culture and improve the connotation of modern and international city construction? Petroleum capital as Daqing is, its unique eco-environment makes it lake and spring city which arranges resource advantages and antecedent conditions. Daqing tries to be a famous international culture city which stresses the core of culture, that is to emphasis the influence of Daqing spirit and iron man on the construction of a famous international petroleum and culture city. In order to build the famous petroleum and culture city, Daqing spirit going out has practicability and possibility.

6.3 Effective Way of the Spirit of Daqing’s Going out

National culture going out strategy is a complex systematic program. National culture must have the Chinese features, style and characteristics to realize the construction of socialistic culture and the national culture recovery of China. It’s going out should stress the general characteristics and national tradition of Chinese culture. We should build foreign-oriented national culture enterprises and great brand of it, combining the international developing cultural trend and creating competitive cultural programs of Chinese national features and style.We can use universities as a tool to study and promote the national culture, and improve the skill quality of national culture going out .“Using the value theory of China and the west to understand the Spirit of Daqing, considering the uniqueness of the Spirit of Daqing” and grasping the spiritual core of it “patriotic, pioneering, realistic approach, and dedication”, we can find the combination point of it and other national spirit of the world to create conditions upon which the splendid fruit of socialistic spiritual civilization can be spread all over the world.” Li Jian pointed in The Conception of the Sprit of going out . If we want to figure out the effective way based on the going out of Daqing, First, we should make more people understand and accept the influence of Daqing spirit on the construction of the republic; second, we should use the core of this spirit to tell people that it is an venerable human spirit, an important part of human’s fine spirit and a spirit that can make a time and create the future; last,we must let more people have the recognition of Daqing spirit and broadcast Daqing spirit positively on the base of knowing more about Daqing spirit.

To make the Spirit of Daqing going out , we will create basic routine of the Spirit of Daqing going out carefully and completely from many aspects.

First, we should undertake the following basic task:

a. We can rewrite the works that reflects Daqing spirit, spreading the works to more countries of the world systematically.

b. We can use many languages and various artistic forms to create film-video works that reflects the Spirit of Daqing. As the foundation of Daqing, the spirit has already praised and transmitted widely in the form of numerous poems and essays, so if we use many forms of languages for creation, more people can be moved by this artistic works.

c. Develop the international tourism. To let the Spirit of Daqing go out, we must find ways to enable the world contact the spirit closely, and international tourism is a good way.

d. We can start systematic bilingual education of the Spirit of Daqing in the university of petroleum to arrange the future workers of petroleum for the Spirit of Daqing and practice it with indeed action.

After finishing the basic arrangement, we can complete the job of recommendation with the following methods.

(i) Let the Daqing petroleum workers who work in 29 foreign countries spread the connotation and essence of Daqing spirit to the local area with practice.

(ii) Publish the study and artistic works internationally which reflect the “Iron Man” spirit.

(iii) Develop the international tourism to let the world pay more attention to Daqing and the spirit of it.

(iv) Call on specialists of China and foreign countries to study the Daqing spirit deeply, search for the common value of the entire human beings and realize the international recognition on socialistic culture from the world.

6.4 Significance of the Spirit of Daqing Going out

“We should promote the Chinese culture to face the world.” Pointed the The Decision of the Government and the Chinese Communist on Several Important Problems of Deepening the Reform of Cultural System to Promote Great Development of Socialistic Culture. We must start cultural communication with foreign countries with various ways, forms and levels and participate in the conversation with the universal civilization to promote the interval borrowing and enhance the attraction and influence of Chinese culture in the world, protecting the variety of culture together. Culture is the stem of the people, is the spiritual home of the people. Only if we think highly of the recovery and development of national culture, can we achieve the position of construction of culture in the construction of “five in one” and realize the effects of cultural construction on the establishment of the entire well-off society. The recovery of national culture is the foundation of the national development and recognition. If a nation wants to be accepted by the world, it must achieve the economic development and blooming as well as the exportation and recognition of culture, only by which way can we achieve the universal recognition of national spirit. This is just the important part of going out of Chinese culture and strategic process of Chinese national great recovery in the background of globalization. going out of national culture is good to show the features of Chinese national culture, the rich connotation of it, and the historical transition and renewing of it.

The aim of making the Spirit of Daqing go out as a special example, that is, we can use it as the foundation of study after we truly make the spiritual core of this national culture―the Spirit of Daqing going out and go to the world, promoting the entire Chinese culture going out.


As the new Confucianism representative Mr. Du Weiming said: “now we are in the twenty-first Century, in which a variety of different ethnic groups and different civilization systems should have more communication and exchanges, forming the global ‘civilization dialogue’”. The communication is not the unfair cultural invasion. It is the equal deep dialogue. There are a lot of Chinese spirits of the times coming to abroad. An American woman who visited the memorial hall of Lei Feng said: “The person Lei Feng belongs to the world”. America has the research community of Lei Feng. The Thailand government has issued a “Lei Feng” booklet to call on the nation to learn from Lei Feng. French television journalist Alan Lake Vecchi said: ”Making a TV series about Lei Feng is not only an honor but also a kind of happiness. May the spirit of Lei Feng is always shining to the western society.” In 2011 a overseas research delegation of 8 people which preach the Daqing spirit and Iron Man spirit together with the Rumalia project employees in Iraq gathered in the Daqing camp, singing “ We exploit the oil for the motherland” and bring the Iron Man spirit to Chinese petroleum overseas iron army camp. This indicates that the different social civilizations have something in common, and at the same time, every civilization has its unique characters and there exists a clash of civilizations and cultures. Therefore different civilization systems can and should widely communicate. In order to achieve the goal of cultural integration, cultural acceptance and deep communication, first of all we should let the spirit of times go out and get the equal right of discourse in the eyeshot of globalization. In this way, we can make Chinese culture world-known, be accepted by the whole world and eventually achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese dream of Chinese nation.


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