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It seems that great artists and scientists often suffer from mental problems. Both Einstein and Dickens had mental illness. Now scientists have started to look at whether mental illness and genius are linked.

Dr Adele Juda studied 5,000 creative people in Germany. She found there were more people with mental illness in this group than in the general population. Poets had the highest rate of mental illness, followed by musicians, with lower numbers for painters and architects.

Other scientists did research which also showed a strong link between mental problems and creativity. But, it did nothing to explain it.

Dr Ruth Richards of Harvard University made a break-through. Instead of studying creative people, she took a group of psychiatric (精神病的) patients and tested them for creativity. The patients got much higher scores than a normal group. Also, the patients’ close relatives were much more creative than the patients and a normal group. This suggests that the key to the link between creativity and mental illness is in our genes. But this is a problem. According to Darwinism, harmful genes should be removed. Some scientists believe that evolution has created a balance, where the madness of a few people leads to the development of the whole human race.

Geniuses may be mad, bad or just difficult to understand, but their discoveries have improved the world we live in. It seems that a little creative madness is good for us all.

1. According to Dr Adele Juda, who probably have the lowest rate of mental illness?

A. Poets. B. Painters.

C. Musicians. D. Bus drivers.

2. What determines the link between creativity and mental illness according to the research of Dr Ruth Richards?

A. Health. B. Fortune.

C. Our genes. D.Our jobs.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Geniuses may be easy to understand.

B. There is a weak link between mental problems and creativity.

C. The key to the link between creativity and mental illness is in our genes.

D. Psychiatric patients make greater contributions than common people.

4. What is the writer’s attitude toward madness?

A. All the talented people are mad.

B. It is harmful to the whole society.

C. A little creative madness is good for us all.

D. Mad people have more creativity.


The temperature of your body should always be the same if you are fine, no matter whether the weather is hot or cold. That is why the doctor tests your temperature with a thermometer (w温表) when you are sick. Normally, your body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is higher than that, it is a sure sign that something is wrong with your body.

Your body keeps the same temperature all the time, because it balances the heat it produces and gives off. It is always burning up food and producing heat. It can produce heat faster when the body needs or give off heat faster when the body becomes too warm. Let’s see how this works.

The heat of your body is given off mainly through the skin. When you feel cold, your skin is tight and shows “goose flesh”. When you feel cold, you must jump around to keep warm. Then your muscles begin to work, burn up fuel and produce more heat. It is not pleasant to shiver (抖), so you usually prefer warming up by taking exercise, or putting on more clothes to keep warm.

When you get warm, the skin is soft. It is so supplied with blood that heat is given off rapidly. If you get too warm, you begin to sweat and more body heat is used in evaporating the moisture (蒸发水分) in your body. In warm weather or warm rooms, you wear less clothing so that heat can be given off freely. You prefer less exercise because your body is warm enough, and the extra heat produced by taking too much exercise makes you uncomfortable.

Now you see why you feel differently in different kinds of weather. In summer, when it is hot, you feel tired and lazy. You do not care to work or play, but enjoy lying down and doing nothing. When you get out of door in winter, the cold air makes you feel lively. You want to run and play.

5. How does the body keep the same temperature all the time?

A. It balances the heat it gets and loses.

B. It is always producing heat from food.

C. It stops producing heat when it needs to.

D. It gives off the heat that the body produces.

6. Why do people sweat?

A. To make the skin soft.

B. To give off heat quickly.

C. To evaporate the moisture.

D. To get the blood to move faster.

7. Why do we feel differently in different kinds of weather?

A. We have different emotions.

B. The body temperature is always changing.

C. We feel tired and lazy in summer and lively in winter.

D. Our bodies use different ways to keep the same temperature.


A Shoe Pattern

Harry is eighteen now. He studies in a middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can become a famous man. So they often tell him to study hard and they do all for him. They call him at six in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to school in a car and in the afternoon, as soon as the young man comes back, the supper is ready. Of course, he never washes his clothes or goes to buy anything in the shops.

Once Harry’s father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year. On leaving, he told his wife to take good care of their son. The woman had to get up earlier and did all that her husband did before. And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed. Now the young man got into trouble. He couldn’t do any housework. He had to do as his mother told him. Even he didn’t know where to get on the bus!

Yesterday Harry’s mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didn’t know how to choose. The woman had a sigh and gave him a shoe pattern and told him to buy a pair himself. It’s Saturday today and Harry doesn’t go to school. With a policeman’s help, he found a shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. The man brought a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. When he was trying on a pair, suddenly he remembered something and took them off. The man was surprised and asked, “What’s the matter, young man?” “I’m sorry, I’ve left the shoe pattern at home!”

8. Who always does some housework in the morning?

A. Harry’s father. B. Harry’s mother.

C. Harry. D. Harry’s sister.

9. Why did Harry’s parents do everything for him?

A. He was too young.

B. He was in poor health.

C. He was busy with his studies.

D. He was being spoiled.

10. Why did the woman have to look after Harry by herself ?

A. Her husband wasn’t at home.

B. Her husband felt very tired.

C. She was freer than her husband.

D. She was stronger than her husband.

11. When Harry’s father was in London, he _______.

A. had to stay at home

B. wouldn’t go to school

C. fell behind in his class

D. didn’t find the bus stop

12. What did Harry leave at home yesterday?

A. His shoes.

B. His money.

C. The shoe pattern.

D. The picture of his shoes.


Using Social Media Positively

Social media is so common in our society that almost everyone is connected to some form of it, whether it is Weibo, Wechat or QQ. We are in a fast-paced, technologically evolving society and we are addicted to social media. 1

So how does one ensure a positive online reputation? It’s simple:

Keep it clean. 2 Party photos with alcohol are an absolute no-no. Would you want to have your boss see these photos? Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you, your creativity and your skills.

3 You have a private Weibo account so you can post anything you want? This is decidedly not the case. Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but it’s not impossible. Under no circumstances should you rely on privacy settings as a way to protect inappropriate contents.

4 Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your brand, or what you want people to think of you. Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand. Think about what you want people to think of you and go with it.

Follow these simple rules and you’re on your way to building an online reputation. Using social media positively doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and use it to express yourself; however, you want to ensure that you’re OK with anyone seeing everything you post. 5

Like it or not, your social networks reflect you―make sure you look like the shining star that you truly are.

A. Don’t trust privacy settings.

B. Ensure you’re professional.

C. Social media is common now.

D. In fact, we long for social media.

E. Make sure your post is written personally.

F. Be entirely sure about what you’re posting.

G. Once you click post, there’s no looking back.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When my son was 11 years old, he got a small job helping out with a traveling carnival in our town. He didn’t come home at lunch time, phoning 1 to tell me he was fine and had found a few days’ work 2 out at an exhibit. However, after he finished work he 3 for supper as usual.

I asked him how he had 4 at lunch and he told me he had made some new 5 at the carnival, some young men who were twin brothers, and their mom and dad. They had 6

him a few dollars and invited him for lunch 7 for helping them set up their exhibit and wanted him to 8 the next day to help with other chores.

I was glad he had found new friends but a little 9 about the type of people who might be traveling in a carnival. “Oh, Mom, they are just 10 everyday people like anyone else. They 11 work at a carnival instead of in a store or something”. “Come down tomorrow and 12 them yourself,” he said.

So the next day I went to the carnival and to the exhibit he had 13 me to. The twin brothers 14 out to be Siamese (B体的) twins, joined at the chest. He hadn’t thought this 15

was noteworthy enough to mention. When I brought it to him, he said, “Yes, I 16 that, too. Do you know that their mom has to make all their clothes 17 it’s so difficult to find anything to fit them? They’re also really good 18 . Today, Joe, the one on the right, made me spaghetti (意大利面) for lunch.”

What others see first in a person is not what a child considers 19 . Where I saw Siamese twins, he saw people having difficulty buying clothes that fit, and young men who were good cooks. It was a 20 I have thought about many times over the years.

1. A. instead B. even C. also D. besides

2. A. leaving B. helping C. taking D. showing

3. A. did up B. gave up C. took up D. turned up

4. A. sought B. managed C. worked D. acted

5. A. clothes B. friends C. choices D. differences

6. A. paid B. charged C. lent D. owed

7. A. in advance B. in return C. by turns D. by chance

8. A. return B. promise C. consider D. decide

9. A. excited B. regretful C. worried D. optimistic

10. A. humorous B. obvious C. particular D. normal

11. A. just B. never C. hardly D. always

12. A. teach B. meet C. affect D. join

13. A. ordered B. directed C. forced D. persuaded

14. A. worked B. left C. came D. turned

15. A. expression B. change C. fact D. idea

16. A. understood B. made C. noticed D. formed

17. A. although B. if C. unless D. because

18. A. cooks B. doctors C. artists D. singers

19. A. necessary B. important C. impossible D. unlucky

20. A. lesson B. festival C. task D. match

Dear Mary,

I receive your E-mail just now. Don’t worry about me. I’m getting on well with my research work in the lab. But to my greatly surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interests. I’m afraid I couldn’t agree with you. I know it is difficulty to learn English, and English is widely used in the world today. It will be important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you will study hard, you will succeed. Do remember that where there is a will, there is a way. I am looking forward to hearing good news from you.


Li Hua

1. M管病得很重,他还是来参加了会议。(despite)

2. 你记得曾经和他到日本旅行过吗?(take a trip)

3. 她鼓励学生们在学习中互相帮助。(encourage)

4. 他是名警察,他的职责就是维护当地的治安。(keep the peace)

5. 这座博物馆值得参观。(be worth)

目前,地球面临水资源危机。《时代英语》杂志针对此情况面向全体高中生征稿,呼吁人们重视淡水资源缺乏问题,并保护水资源。征稿题目是:Global Shortage of Fresh Water。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文向《时代英语》杂志投稿。


1. 人们对淡水资源的认识;

2. 人们面临的淡水危机;

3. 人们应该采取的措施。


Global Shortage of Fresh Water