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Has playing a physicist on television changed how you regard science? 在电视上饰演物理学家是否改变了你对科学的看法?

―Wen Zhang, Athens, Ohio


I was very fascinated with meteorology1) at a young age. I lived on the Gulf Coast, and hurricanes blew through there. That is the class I failed in college: meteorology. I didn't have an interest in the particulars―but what a wonderful basis for a show. I think it's one of the greatest things we have going for us [on The Big Bang Theory]. But I'm not watching more nova2).


How do you manage to make an easily unlikable character a likable one? 你是怎么设法把一个很容易不讨人喜欢的角色演得讨人喜欢的呢?

―Julia Hall, Madera, Calif.


[The writers] are careful to soften the edges3) of the harsher words. The other thing is the way the characters are reacting to him―with exasperation4) and a resignation5) that they're going to put up with it. That translates to the audience as, "Oh, well, they're saying it's OK." I don't try to soften it. Frankly, a lot of times the point is to irritate6).


Do you find yourself inadvertently7) mimicking8) Sheldon's odd qualities? 你有没有发现自己会在无意间模仿谢耳朵的怪癖?

―Michelle Lacy, Brick Township, N.J.


I have a tendency to rattle9) like he does. There's a musicality10) to the way he talks. That will sometimes carry over into my own speech. But which came first? Was I doing that before I did this part? I'm not entirely sure.


Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger's11) or autism12). How did you prepare to play such a character? 尽管电视剧里没有明确提到,但是谢耳朵明显患有一定程度的阿斯伯格综合征或自闭症。你当时为饰演这个角色是如何准备的?

―Michelle Shea, Falls Church, Va.


I didn't. We had already shot and aired several episodes before I was ever asked the Asperger's-or-autism question. I asked the writers, and they were like, "No, he doesn't have it." It's been useful to us to utilize some of those "Aspergian" traits, but we need to be able to move away from it if we want to.


Do Sheldon's jokes ever go over your head13)? 谢耳朵讲的笑话会让你觉得无法理解吗?

―Rick Morgan, Seattle


Yes and no. David Saltzberg, our science consultant, will [sometimes] put a written joke in formula form on the whiteboard that I don't get. And sometimes, even after explanation, I just don't find it funny. That's not because it's not funny. It's because I am probably a little too dumb to get it. Every once in a while they write a joke in plain English that I don't understand how to make work, and I will find out that I have missed the boat14) on their intent. That's been blessedly rare.


What are some of your favorite sci-fi books, TV shows, or movies? 你最喜欢的一些科幻书、电视剧或电影是什么?

―Suzi Beerman, New Castle, Wash.


My favorite sci-fi movie of all time is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I was a huge Star Wars fan as well―but Close Encounters, I love. It creeped me out15) and made me feel comforted at the same time. There is life out there.


If you were stranded16) on an island with no technology, what three things would you bring? 如果你被困于没有科技的孤岛,你会带哪三样东西?

―Marc Bigras, Sturgeon Falls, Ont.


A piano. A notepad. What else? This is hard. You know what? I'm going to leave the notepad, and I'm going to take both my dogs. But they'd die.


1. meteorology [?mi?ti??r?l?d?i] n. 气象学

2. nova [?n??v?] n. 新星(一类由于爆炸而在数月之内异常明亮的恒星)

3. edge [ed?] n. (声调的)锐利;尖刻

4. exasperation [??z?sp??re??n] n. 恼怒;恼火

5. resignation [?rez??ne??n] n. 听任;顺从

6. irritate [??r?te?t] vi. 引起不愉快,引起恼怒

7. inadvertently [??n?d?v??t?ntli] adv. 非故意地,无意地

8. mimic [?m?m?k] vt. 模仿

9. rattle [?r?tl] vi. 喋喋不休地讲话

10. musicality [?mju?z??k?l?ti] n. 音乐特质;乐感

11. Asperger's: 阿斯伯格综合征,全称为Asperger's syndrome,即一种不善交际、兴趣偏狭的内向症状,根据奥地利精神病学家汉斯・阿斯伯格(Hans Asperger, 1906~1980)的姓名命名。

12. autism [???t?z?m] n. 孤独症;自闭症

13. go over sb.'s head: (因太难而)无法理解

14. miss the boat: (因行动慢而)错过机会,坐失良机

15. creep sb. out: 使某人感到害怕(或恶心)

16. strand [str?nd] vt. 搁浅(在海滩上)