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Part One 单词专讲

1. sense

【分析】sense n. 感觉,意义,观念

The headmaster has a good eduation sense. 校长有好的教育理念。

There is no sense in doing such a job. 做这样一项工作是没有意义的。

【拓展】v. 意识到,感觉到

The young lady sensed the danger in front of her. 年轻女士意识到了前面的危险。

The chairman sensed that his suggestion was unwelcome. 主席意识到他的建议不受人欢迎。

make sense 有意义,讲得通

It makes sense to plant more trees in your yard. 在你的院子里多种树是有意义的。

Common sense 常识

2. touch


Don’t touch the machine. 不要触摸机器。

做名词时,意思是:触觉,接触,联系。构成的短语有:keep in touch with与……保持联系;get in touch with和……取得联系;out of touch失去联系。做动词时,意思为:触摸,接触。

They keep in touch with each other by email. 他们靠电子邮件相互保持联系。

3. beat

【分析】beat v. 意思是“敲击,打”。

The father was so angry that he almost beat his son to death. 这个父亲如此的生气以致于他几乎把他的儿子打死。

Our team was beaten by their team. 我们队被他们队击败了。

【拓展】beat/strike/hit 三者均有“击,打”之意。strike常指“猛击一下”,强调出其不意,还有“敲钟”和“罢工”之意; hit指“撞上”、“击中”, 强调击的结果。试比较:

She struck the desk with her knee. 她用膝盖猛撞桌子。

The clock struck 12. 钟敲响了十二下。

The workers struck for better conditions yesterday. 昨天工人们为了更好的条件而罢工。

The car hit a tree by the road. 小汽车撞到了路边的树上。

He hit me on the head. 他打了我的头。

4. Whisper

【分析】Whisper n. 耳语,私语 in a whisper 低声地

She told us the news in a whisper. 她低声地告诉我们这个消息。

She gave me the whisper, but I couldn’t hear. 她对我耳语,但是我听不清。

【拓展】 whisper to sb. 对某人低语,低声对某人说

The two girls were whispering in the library. 这两个女孩在图书馆里低声说话。

He is whispering to the neighbor. 他向邻座的人耳语。

5. ignore

【分析】ignore vt. 不理;忽视;不顾

I ignore the child if he cries and then he will stop. 如果小孩子哭我就不理他,然后他就停止了。

He dashed to the scene of the fire to save the state property, ignoring his personal danger. 他冲向火灾现场去挽救国家财产,不顾个人的危险。

I saw Mary coming to me but I purposely ignored her. 我看见马丽朝我走来但我故意不理她。

【拓展】ignorance n. 不知;无知

His parents were in complete ignorance of his marriage.

If he did not do it correctly, it was simply through ignorance. 如果他不能正确地做的话,那也是简单地出于无知。

6. replace

【分析】replace v. 把……放回原处;代替;取代;更换/替换某人/某物

Please replace the book on the shelf when you have finished reading it. 书读完后请放回书架。

Machines are replacing humans in modern factories. 在现代化的工厂里, 机器代替了人。

He is not fit for the job and must be replaced. 他不适合这项工作,必须撤换。


Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.(

Richard Nixon)

In place of是介词短语,take the place of是动词短语,但前者不能作谓语。Instead of是介词短语,意思是“代替,相反”,与instead意思相同,但instead是副词。

7. include

英语中,include是及物动词,后面要有宾语。如果没有宾语,则考虑是被动语态。它的非谓语动词形式,included 和including常在句中出现。我们选哪个应根据后面是否有宾语而定。如果有宾语,我们用including,否则用included. 如:

The tour included a visit to the science museum. 旅游中包括参观科学博物馆。

Don’t worry. Your names are included in the list. 不要担心,你们的名字都被包括在名单内。

There are ten people who have gone to Nanjing, including our English teacher.

There are ten people who have gone to Nanjing, our English teacher included.


The rent is 50 yuan a month including water and electricity. 租金是五十元一个月包括水电费。

8. declare

【分析】declare vt. 宣布,申明,宣称。通常指宣布战争、和平和中立以及选举和比赛结果等。如:

At that time Germany declared war on Britain. 那时侯德国和英语宣战。

The man declared that he was not a thief. 那人声明他不是小偷。




Our English teacher announced that he would be tired next month. 我们英语老师宣告说他下个月要退休。

The young couple announced their wedding in the newspaper. 那对年轻夫妇在报纸上宣布了他们的婚事。

It has been announced that Ned will be the chairman of our club. 据宣布,耐德将要做我们俱乐部的主席。

9. concerned

【分析】concerned adj. 担心的,相当于worried/anxious。

Some young people will be concerned about their privacy. 一些年轻人将担心他们的隐私。

The leaders of the team are deeply concerned about this situation. 这个队的领导们深深地担心这个形势。

【拓展】 concern vt. 意为“使……关心,影响到”也可用作名词“关心,担忧”;

be concerned with “与……有关, 关于”,相当于be about;

as far as I ‘m concerned “就我个人的看法而言”,相当于in my opinion/personally。

The phones do help to ease parents’ concern on their children’s safety. 电话有助于减轻家长对小孩的安全的担心。

They were more concerned with how their son’s matching was going along. 他们更加关心他们儿子的比赛的进展了。

As far as I’m concerned, it’s a very perfect project. 就我个人的看法而言, 这是一个完美的工程。

10. destroy

【分析】destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;消灭

When people move into a new place, they often destroy many wild plants. 当人们搬进一个新的地方时,他们经常破坏许多野生植物。


Ever since the forest was destroyed by the fire, measures have been taken by the government. 自从森林被大火破坏之后,政府已经采取了措施。

Part Two 词组专讲

11. depend on

短语depend on/upon 依靠,信任,信赖;相当于rely on/upon。

You can’t depend on her to help you with the recording. 你不能指望她帮助你录音的。

We are depending on your decision. 我们相信你的判断。

I think I can come, but don’t depend on it. 我想我能来,但还说不定。

They have to depend on the river for their water. 他们用水只好依靠这条河。

You may depend on it that he will come here before 2:00 this afternoon. 你放心他今天下午两点之前一定赶到这里。

12. result in

【分析】短语result in的意思是“引起某种结果”。result in相当于lead to。如:

The effect of aging will eventually result in death. (这种)变老的影响将最终导致死亡。

His lack of sleep for a long time resulted in his poor health. 他长时间缺少睡眠导致了他不良的健康。

上述两句中的result in可以用lead to来替换。

【拓展】短语result from的意思是“是……的结果”。

These fires resulted from the lack of responsibility. 这些火灾是缺乏责任心的结果。

英语中result 可以用作名词,意思是“结果”,有短语as a result (of)。

We are eager to know the result of the exams. 我们急于要知道考试的结果。

As a result, we had to put off the sports meet. 结果,我们不得不推迟运动会。

13. pick up

【分析】短语pick up的意思和用法颇多,现将常见的含义总结如下:


Li Ping picked up a wallet on his way to school. 李平在去学校的路上捡到了一只钱包。


He picked up that TV set at a secondhand store. 他在一家旧货商店买了那台电视机。


Can you pick up BBC English programmes on the radio? 你能收听到BBC英语节目吗?


At first, we can pick up a used car at the market. 起初,我们可以在市场上低价买一辆使用过的汽车。


On hearing the telephone ringing, he picked up the phone caller. 一听到电话铃响,他就拿起话筒。

14. contribute to

【分析】短语 contribute to的意思是“导致,促进,有助于,投稿”。

The doctor said that smoking was a major factor contributing to cancer. 医生说吸烟是导致癌症的一个主要因素。

My elder brother often contributes to the newspaper. 我哥哥经常向报纸投稿。

The professor contributed huge amounts of his own time to the project. 教授把自己大量的时间花在这个工程上。

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.(Jean Jacques Rousseau)

15. take over

【分析】短语take over的意思是“接管,接手”。

When she fell ill, her husband took over her company. 她生病时,她的丈夫接管她的公司。

The facotry has been taken over by a young man. 这个工厂已经被一个年轻人接管了。

【拓展】短语take in 的意思是“吸收,欺骗”。

We should be careful not to be taken in by some advertisements. 我们应该小心不要被一些广告欺骗。

take up的意思是“占据,从事”。

He will not come for the party this evening because his time is fully taken up by his assignment. 他今天晚上不会来参加聚会因为他的时间完全被作业所占。


1. I am sure Tom will be able to find the island, because he has a good________of direction.





2. The government’s new pamphlet________against smoking in bed.





3. ―Ow! I’ve burnt yourself?

―How did you do that?

―I________hot pan.





4. ―I heard Back Street Boys would sing at the New Century Theater.

―Where did you____ ?

A.pick that up

B.put that up

C.make that up

D.take that up

5. The two boys________about the trip to the lake. And none of us heard what they said.





6. Eating too much fat can________heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A.result from

B.contribute to

C.attend to

D.devote to

7. The shopkeeper said he would________ the radio if we were not satisfied.





8. The small factory is closed and will be________by a company.

A.taken off

B.taken up

C.taken over

D.taken out

9. As is known to all, too much work and too little rest often________bad health.

A.carry out

B.turn to

C.result in

D.take away

10. They found the four young men had________ them in the race to be the first ever to be reach it.






1-5 CAAAB 6-10 BBCCD
